Obwohl es sich hierbei nicht um eine bösartige Anwendung handelt, finden manche Computernutzer sie verdächtig, weil sie große CPU- und Datenträgerressourcen verbraucht. CompatTelRunner.exe file information CompatTelRunner.exe process in Windows Task Manager. It is listed as a Trusted-installer in the system32 folder, which seems to be the problem.
It continually scans the computer to keep a check on its performance and sends all the technical data to the Windows center in real-time. In effetti, il file CompatTelRunner.exe è infame tra gli utenti di Windows 7 e Windows 10 per causare un elevato utilizzo della CPU. Popular as CompatTelRunner.exe virus, the process file, despite being a doubtful component that is caught using a lot of CPU power, is not malicious. まとめ. Even though the CompatTelRunner.exe software is meant for improving system performance, it, unfortunately, limits it a lot during execution. CompatTelRunner.exe is an application on Windows, which some of the users are reporting having an issue with it’s very high disk usage.CompatTelRunner.exe or Windows Compatibility Telemetry is an application designed by Microsoft which reports usage and performance data to Microsoft for improving user experience.It runs in the background and sometime ( specially for low-end … CompatTelRunner.exeとは | CPU使用率が高い場合の対処やプロセスを停止する方法 Windowsを使用していると、突然操作が遅くなる場合があります。 タスクマネージャーを起動すると特定のCPUの負荷率(場合によっては100%)になっている場合もあります。 今回は「CompatTelRunner.exe」がどういったプログラムなのかについて色々と情報をまとめてみました。. Sur le gestionnaire de tâches, ce processus système peut utiliser le processeur de manière anormale.. Vous cherchez des solutions pour résoudre ces lenteurs et utilisation CPU ou disque …
Die ausführbare Datei befindet sich normalerweise im Ordner C:\\Windows\\System32. Windows 10 Pro X64 1909 18363.815 New 21 … CompatTelRunner.exe is also known as Windows Compatibility Telemetry. これで「CompatTelRunner.exe」を停止することができます。. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Microsoftに情報提供する予定がなければ基本的に不要なプログラムと言っていいかと思います。. Di conseguenza, il computer diventa molto lento e l'unico modo per risolvere questo problema è disinstallare il file. So here are four ways to fix the High CPU & Disk Usage by CompatTelRunner.exe This periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made on user experience and fix potential errors. This is … TechCrises November 11, 2019 Windows 10 No Comments In case you are facing with low system performance on Windows 10 or you are noticing high temperature or cooler speed – at first you need to check your Task Manager. Does anyone know what it is/does? Thanks Dave My Computer Ztruker. Solution 2: Delete CompatTelRunner.exe as an Administrator If you believe that you don’t really need this Microsoft service to check the compatibility of programs, then you can simply delete this process with administrator authority.
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