Matter, material substance that constitutes the observable universe and, together with energy, forms the basis of all objective phenomena. Matter is another word for the stuff things are made of. Matter definition, the substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed: the matter of which the earth is made. It is a matter of course that it should be so 例文帳に追加 当然そうなるべきことだ - 斎藤和英大辞典 It really is most regrettable [ is a matter for great regret ]. All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. It means 'it is not important', and is very a common sentence in English. how if I mean that matter word (n) has same meaning to problem. See more.
Because matter word doesn't have only one meaning. Matter has many definitions, but the most common is that it is any substance which has mass and occupies space. All physical objects are composed of matter, in the form of atoms, which are in turn composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Everything around us is made of matter, from the air we breathe to the water we drink—even our own bodies. Salt is made up of two different kinds of atoms-sodium atoms and chloride atoms. Planet Earth is made of matter, and so are all the stars, planets, and moons in the universe. All matter is the same because all matter is made up of atoms. In the second sentence you use, 'matter' is a verb, and that is why 'does' is used. Matter is also different because objects can be made up of different kinds of atoms. At the most fundamental level, matter is composed of elementary particles, known as quarks and leptons (the class of elementary particles that includes electrons). Gold is made of one kind of atom-gold atoms.
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