Getting code p0373 ckp sensor, changing this fix my problem? Also includes links to relevant forum topics on the code. Speedometer Self Diagnostics: The speedometer is capable of displaying and clearing speedometer, tachometer, TSM/TSSM and ICM/ECM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC).
I've got 2 fault codes on the speedo P0373 crank sensor position & U1016 loss of ECM data etc. Harley Davidson Diagnostic Codes 04 – Present (these should be the same on all Harley models including Sportsters so use it as a starting point) Starting in 2004, Harley Davidson’s began to use serial bus technology (the ability to transfer multiple bits of data over a single wire) which allowed them to display DTC’s (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) for the end user. 2004 Touring DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) The IM (instrument module) is capable of displaying DTC's (diagnostic trouble codes). Went out to take a ride today and bike would turn over but not fire. Discussion in 'Electrical' started by jaceddie, Aug 15, 2008.
Codes P1353 and P1356.
Rode 2 days prior and ran great. 2000-2004 Enter diagnostic area by turning the ignition from OFF to ON while holding the reset switch in.
1- Turn Ignition switch to OFF & Run/Stop switch is to Run.
1- Turn Ignition switchto OFF & Run/Stop switch is to Run. Crazy runs great one day and nothing the next. Harley Fault Codes 2004-2015 Below is a list of comprehensive list of diagnostic codes that you may come across on your Harley-Davidson. The normal power-up sequence will occur before entering the diagnostic mode. 2- Push odometer resetbutton in & hold. How to diagnose, repair, and info on causes of a P0373 engine code which pertains to the A timing refence high resolution signal, or engine position sensor signal, which the PCM has detected erratic or intermittent pulses. Harley Davidson Forums. This test monitors the number of high resolution pulses which have been missed (not detected). Harley Davidson Sportster DTC Intsructions/codes .
Sensors and Motors (P0051-P2304)
Seems easy to replace if this is the culprit.
Discussion in 'Electrical' started by TeddyEdward, Apr 4, 2011.
Forums > General Tech Harley Davidson > Electrical > Sportster blown fuse P0373 & U1016 faults. The following procedure will instruct in retrieving and clearing ECM Diagnostic Trouble Codes and TSM/TSSM codes through the Harley guage cluster as well as a list of codes. P0373 Meaning The optical sensor provides a high resolution signal to the Powertrain Control Module by counting pulses on the sensor disk located in the injection pump.The high resolution is one of the most important inputs by the PCM for fuel control and timing.
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