Tech Specs Type:AnalogChannels:12Computer Connectivity:USB (2 x 2)Faders:11Inputs - Mic Preamps:4 x TRS/XLR Combo, 2 x XLRPhantom Power:8Inputs - Line:8 x TRS, Re: Yamaha MG10 Mixer - WOT NO RETURNS?!! I bought it for live gigs and it’s great for that – the preamps, comps, eq’s, and effects are all decent for a mixer in this price range - … This way, you have greater control over the level of the effect, and you can EQ it as necessary. ... Then I figured out I could send half of the output to the monitors and half to my headphones. MG Series - Downloads - Mixers - Professional Audio - Products - Yamaha - Music - Australia If you are uncertain as to whether a dealer has been authorized by Yamaha, please contact Yamaha's Service Department or check Yamaha… I’ve owned the Yamaha MG12XU for a few years. As with most boards, the Yamaha has dedicated returns, but I'd recommend using regular input channels (say, the last 2). Shop for the Yamaha MG12XU 12-Channel Mixer With Effects and receive free shipping on your order and the guaranteed lowest price. So, I am planning to return it under the advisement of a Yamaha tech (Dale) I talked to today. You can't EQ the effect returns on the Yamaha, and finding the right knob quickly isn't easy. The third generation of the acclaimed MG Series, these compact mixing consoles focus on delivering high quality sound for a diverse range of mixing environments.
An excellent value.
Yamaha may request that you send the defective product to a local authorized Yamaha Servicer or authorize return of the defective product to Yamaha for repair. Great deals on Yamaha 8-23 Channels Live & Studio Mixers with Send/Return. Rated 5 / 5 Yamaha MG12XU - Nice Mixer Versatile and well built. It's a great time to upgrade your home music studio gear with the largest selection at Fast & …
Ok so the analog setup should work with the fx only on the vocals. by Hugh Robjohns » Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:28 am The MG10 doesn't have any dedicated effects returns channels, but does have a couple stereo line channels that could be used to receive the returns from an external FX unit.
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