It’s necessary to make sure that the parameter annotation is from “org.testng.annotations” package. Through testng.xml XML configuration file. We have a define a method under the data provide annotation, here we pass test data. However, at times it is required to pass values to test methods, especially during the run time. The parameterization in execution in TestNG can be done by the following ways − data parameterization with @Parameters annotation. TestNG Parameterization Using XML: Parameterized tests allow developers to run the same test over and over again using different values.. Through DataProviders. Example. By TestNG XML file. 2. Next, pass the same number of arguments as that of the parameters in the test method with its … By Using @DataProvider; When to use TestNG XML file? There are mainly two ways through which we can provide parameter values to TestNG tests.. 1. There are two ways by which we can achieve parameterization in TestNG To pass multiple data to the application at runtime, we need to parameterize our test scripts. It’s up to you how you want to leverage different types of parameterization in TestNG or even both at the same time if the use case requires it. For parameterization Testng provide you two methods. When you want to define simple parameters for decision making you can use XML file. There are two ways to set these parameters: with testng.xml; with Data Providers; Let’s see passing parameters with testng.xml: Parameterization in TestNG using testng.xml You can use parameter annotations through the testng.xml file to pass values to test methods as arguments. In the above testng.xml file, we have two attributes for parameter tag, the name attribute which defines name of the parameter, and the value attribute defines the value of the parameter. Similar to parameters in any other programming language , they are declared to pass some values onto the function. Parameterization Using TestNG.xml: Sometimes it may be time for us to pass the values of test methods during run time. One of the important features of TestNG is ability to pass different test data to a test case as arguments that is called parametrization. @Parameters annotation is used to pass parameters to a test case or method.Let us consider an example where we have written a test case say invokeBrowser which accepts an argument browserType. Parameterization[ Data driven test] is an execution strategy, which allows us to run a test case automatically, multiple times with different input values. Parameterization in TestNg Dataprovider Annotation in TestNG. Example: Simply passing browser value like ff, chrome from .xml file ie to decide the browser to be … The @Parameters annotation automatically maps the class to the testng.xml file to include the parameters. Testng xml file with @Parameter annotation. HOME. A simple reason to use parameters is that they let us run a function many times with different values or to run different functions with … In this tutorial, we will discuss about using testng.xml for parameterization. Using testng.xml file we can also pass values to the argument of any test case or method. Parameterization using the testng.xml file will allow users to pass parameters to test methods as an argument using XML file. Parameterization In TestNG For An Online Selenium Grid Parameterization is a neat way to build yourself a neat Test Driven Testing framework using TestNG. Now after running the above testng.xml file, the output will show as below: testng parameterization Dataprovider annotation is mainly used for parameterization in Test Cases. Parameters in TestNG is similar to annotations in TestNG in their declaration. data parameterization with @DataProvider annotation.