The web application base builds on Model-View-Controller pattern which separates the application logic from UI, and the input and events from the user will be controlled by the Controller. November-12-2020 | Meritnotes. After the Init() and before the Page_Load(). In the next article, i am going to discuss experienced ASP.NET Web API Interview questions with answers. What is the difference between ExecuteScalar and ExecuteNonQuery? 42. First of all it checks passport authentication cookie. Top ASP.Net Web API Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and 2-5 year experienced dot net developers with explanation and examples. Labels: web api interview questions and answers for experienced, web api interview questions and answers for experienced pdf, web api interview questions advanced, web api interview questions, life cycle of web api, web api interview questions and answers pdf, rest api interview questions and answers, api interview questions answers How do you register JavaScript for webcontrols ? Then we can allow or deny users based on their role in the organization. ASP.NET Interview Questions. Once the redirection is done, it also returns 301 Moved Permanently responses. The can pause and continue property provides such type of service. Which type if caching will be used if we want to cache the portion of a page instead of whole page? We can SetNoStore on HttpCachePolicy object exposed by the Response object's Cache property: 23. You are here: Home 1 / Latest Articles 2 / Web 3 / Top 17 Web Developer Interview Questions & Answers last updated December 14, 2020 / 3 Comments / in Web / by renish 1) Explain what are the key responsibilities of a Web Developer? Following is the settings to be updated in Fiddler: Compose Tab -> Enter Request Headers -> Enter the Request Body and execute. Client-side validation is the best way to validate data of a web page. This provides a faster response with a little less overhead on the server. Can we add code files of different languages in App_Code folder? Download PDF. In this ASP.NET Interview Questions Series, so far we have covered questions related to the core of ASP.NET technology. Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Odata Hope this article has a variety of ASP.Net Web API interview questions and their answers. 18. In any application, errors are bound to occur during the development process. So, this article on Top 50 .NET interview questions will help you to brush up your knowledge before the interview. All the websites can be accessed using single login credentials. Mobile templates Added ASP.NET Web API … Out-of-Process Session state management stores data in an external server. It is a feature used to secure connection string information. This book has been written to prepare yourself for ASP.NET MVC Interview. particular question during your interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer: Breifly explain us what is ASP.Net MVC? 36. What is the difference between web config and machine config? is an open source server-side Web application framework that is designed and marketed by Microsoft and intended to help programmers to create dynamic websites, web services and web applications with minimal coding.Here I have collected some good interview questions with their answers. ASP stands for Active Server Pages. What is the good practice to implement validations in aspx page? Unboxing is reverse of boxing ie. From which base class all Web Forms are inherited? It is necessary to build a proxy class by using the wsd1.exe utility before a Web service can be consumed. Below is the code example to apply theme: 31. Asp.Net Web API Interview Questions and Answers Pdf; webservices-interview-questions-pdf.pdf. 1) What is Web API? In case of strong typing, there is no chance of compilation error. 6. 14. The data types supported by the RangeValidator control are Integer, Double, String, Currency, and Date. Passport service authenticates the user details on sign on page and if valid then stores the authenticated cookie on client machine and then redirect the user to requested page. The clients url history list or current url Server does not update in case of Server.Transfer. We hope these Dot Net Interview Questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. This directory is situated under the root directory of the application. Top 50 Asp.Net Web API Interview Questions and Answers 1) What is Web API? Programs invoking a Web service are called clients. Is it possible to create web application with both webforms and mvc? Top 20 Most Important Web API Interview Questions for freshers and 2-5 year experienced./p>ASP.NET Web API is a framework provided by the Microsoft. 36. In HtmlInputCheckBoxcontrol, multiple item selection is possible whereas in HtmlInputRadioButton controls, we can select only single item from the group of items. Can Web Api Return View In Mvc? Differentiate strong typing and weak typing. List all templates of the Repeater control. We have covered 50 most important .NET interview questions for fresher candidates as well as .NET interview questions for experienced developers to help them prepare for the interview. ASP .NET Interview Questions and answers are prepared by 10+ years experienced industry experts. November-09-2020 | Meritnotes. 4. The request for a cached file/data will be accessed from cache instead of actual location of that file. Answer : Web API can be unit test by using Fiddler tool. If you like this blog, then please share this on social media. This can be achieved by setting POSTBACKURL property of the button that causes the postback. Labels: web api interview questions and answers for experienced, web api interview questions and answers for experienced pdf, web api interview questions advanced, web api interview questions, life cycle of web api, web api interview questions and answers pdf, rest api interview questions and answers, api interview questions answers MailMessage and SmtpMail are classes defined System.Web.Mail namespace. On the other hand, in case of weak typing the variable data types are checked at runtime. 100% Tech Interview Success! The proxy file must be stored in the / bin directory. 45. To use OData in ASP.Net Web API, you need the OData package by running below command in Package Manager Console. 5) Page_Load 6) Page_LoadComplete .NET Ajax AngularJS Angularjs 2 ASP.NET ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Interview Questions ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Web API Bootstrap C# Cloud Computing CSS3 e-Commerce Electronics Entity Framework ExpressJS Game Development HTML 5 Interview Questions Java Javascript jQuery Magento MEAN Stack Misc Miscellanous Web Mobile App Development MongoDB … Explain the working of passport authentication. The external server may be either a SQL Server or a State Server. What is the difference between an HtmlInputCheckBox control and an HtmlInputRadioButton control? 5. ExecuteScalar used for fetching a single value and ExecuteNonQuery used to execute Insert and Update statements. 37. 17. Check 15 ASP.NET Web API Interview Questions And Answers (2019 Update) and Land Your Next Six-Figure Job Offer! 10. 33. Using the Attributes property of server side control. 2) Why is Web API required? How do you register JavaScript for webcontrols ?We can register javascript for controls using Attribtues.Add(scriptname,scripttext) method. 41. 15. NET Web API is a framework that uses the HTTP services and makes it easy to provide the response to the client request. Persistent Cookie - Resides on a user's machine for a period specified for its expiry, such as 10 days, one month, and never. Currently there is ASP.NET 4.0, which is used to develop web sites. 34. I hope you enjoy this ASP.NET Web API Interview Questions and Answers article. Here in the post some important ASP.Net interview questions and answers are given for preparation of interview. 24. Write code to send e-mail from an ASP.NET application? What are the different types of cookies in ASP.NET? The code files must be in same language to be kept in App_code folder. 1) What is Web API? 3) Page_InitComplete 4) Page_PreLoad 26. Can we have a web application running without web.Config file? API Testing Interview Questions. The appSettings block in web config file sets the user-defined values for the whole application. ASP.NET MVC is an open source and lightweight web application development framework from Microsoft. 9. Yes, we can still develop RESTful services with WCF. 19. I would like to have your feedback. Findcontrol method of PreviousPage can be used to get the posted values on the page to which the page has been posted. Top 30+ Web Services Interview Questions and Answers, Web Services Interview Questions for Experienced in C#, Asp.Net Web API Interview Questions and Answers Pdf, 100+ Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids Multiple Choice Questions, Chemistry Acids, Bases, Salts Questions & Answers Pdf, 100+ UPSC Geography Atmosphere Questions and Answers Pdf, 100+ UPSC General Knowledge Questions and Answers, 100+ Logical Venn Diagrams Questions for SSC Exams, Database Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, MS Powerpoint Questions & Answers for Competitive Exams 2020-21, 1000+ Sentence Correction MCQ Quiz Questions & Answers Pdf, C# Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers. 11. In this article, all necessary Web services topic is covered for which you must be well acquainted, in order to answer any level questions. In strong typing, the data types of variable are checked at compile time. It reduces the network traffic and saves server resources. What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect? Scripts use weak typing and hence issues arises at runtime. 50. You may also like below blog- In this list of ASP.NET interview question, there are most commonly asked basic to advanced ASP.NET interview question with detailed answers to help you clear the job interview easily. To have a great development in ASP .NET work, our page furnishes you with nitty-gritty data as ASP .NET prospective employee meeting questions and answers. Question # 78 What is Web API and why to use it? Which protocol is used to call a Web service? Answer : We cannot return view from Web API. Details Last Updated: 06 November 2020 . Web Services: A Web Service is programmable application logic accessible via standard web protocols.One of these web protocols is the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Read Free Asp Net Mvc Interview Questions And Answers Asp Net Mvc Interview Questions And Answers If you ally obsession such a referred asp net mvc interview questions and answers book that will have enough money you worth, acquire the totally best seller from us … Which step is necessary to perform before a Web service can be consumed? Caching is a technique used to increase performance by keeping frequently accessed data or files in memory. Answer # Asp.Net Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can be consumed by a broad range of clients including browsers, mobiles, iphone and tablets. 35. 25. 47. How can we prevent browser from caching an ASPX page? This DotNet Interview Questions and Answers are designed for beginners as well as experienced programmers looking for a change in their job. There are various page extensions provided by Microsoft that are being used for web site development. This detailed guide will help you to crack your Job interview for ASP .NET. In-Process stores the session in memory on the web server. 3. Role Based Security used to implement security based on roles assigned to user groups in the organization. Fragment Caching: It caches the portion of the page generated by the request. All objects stored in session are required to be serializable for Out-of-Process state management. Answer: The ASP. Dot Net Interview Questions and answers. What are the different validators in ASP.NET? They exist for the life of the current page. List of frequently asked Dot Net Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. This is a curated list of most frequently asked .NET Interview Questions and Answers that help candidates to prepare for ASP .NET interview question and answer that an interviewer might ask during the interview. WebAPI is a framework which helps you to build/develop HTTP services. ViewState is transported to the client and back to the server, and is not stored on the server or any other external source. This book is equally helpful to sharpen their programming skills and understanding ASP.NET MVC in a short time. Is it possible to use RESTful services using WCF? 100+ Best Logical Puzzles with Answers More . What are the different types of caching? It is a framework which helps us to build/develop HTTP services. How we can force all the validation controls to run? You should use the < authorization> element to ensure that only authorized users access your Web service. ASP.NET MVC Questions and Answers. The must Understand and attribute indicates that a header entry is either required or optional for the recipient to process further. What is the use of the must understand attribute in the Header element of a SOAP message? Dot Net Interview Questions and answers for beginners and experts. API (Application Programming Interface) helps in communication and data exchange between two software systems.API act as an interface between two applications and allows the two software systems communicate with one another. Windows defines several built-in groups, including Administrators, Users, and Guests. ASP.Net Interview Questions and Answers If you are trying to get a web-developer job, then you should also have the knowledge of ASP.Net besides other web-development tools. What are the different Session state management options available in ASP.NET? This element allows or denies access to your Web service according to their role. Assigning reference type variable to value type variable. No. The user's browser history list is updated to reflect the new address. Here, in this article, I try to explain most frequently asked ASP.NET Web API Interview Questions and Answers. What we have covered so far can be found here: It is necessary for any... What is ASP.NET MVC? Application Events: Application_Start , Application_End, Application_AcquireRequestState, Application_AuthenticateRequest, Application_AuthorizeRequest, Application_BeginRequest, Application_Disposed, Application_EndRequest, Application_Error, Application_PostRequestHandlerExecute, Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute,Application_PreSendRequestContent, Application_PreSendRequestHeaders, Application_ReleaseRequestState, Application_ResolveRequestCache, Application_UpdateRequestCache, Session Events: Session_Start,Session_End. When we click submit button on a web page, the page post the data to the same page. 7) Page_PreRender 8) Render. A list of top frequently asked ASP.NET interview questions and answers are given below. In which event of page cycle is the ViewState available? 40. What is the appSettings Section in the web.config file? In which event are the controls fully loaded? ASP .NET is being utilized as a part of numerous businesses. If the cookie is not available then the application redirects the user to Passport Sign on page. Eg: aspx, asmx, ascx, ashx, cs, vb, html, XML etc. In ASP.Net, it is possible to create re-usable code. … It is a part of the core ASP.NET platform and can be used with MVC and other types of Web applications like Asp.Net WebForms. The Page.Validate() method is used to force all the validation controls to run and to perform validation. SOAP over HTTP is the most commonly used protocol for invoking Web services. Its successor of Microsoft Active Server Pages(ASP). Users can maintain his/ her information in a single location. 21. Computer Quiz MCQ Questions with ... 100+ Maths IQ Questions with Answers Pdf More . 39. ViewState is used to retain the state of server-side objects between page post backs. These questions are guidelines to assess the candidate about ASP.NET Core.These interview question covers basic to advance and will help you to prepare for the interviews, quick revision and provide strength to your technical skills. Which data type does the RangeValidator control support? : Provides a standard login capability that allows the users to enter their credentials, : Allows you to display the name of the logged-in user, : Displays whether the user is authenticated or not, : Provides various login views depending on the selected template, : email the users their lost password. ASP.NET MVC is an open source web development framework from Microsoft that... Download PDF 1) What is Web API? Where the viewstate is stored after the page postback? Top 31 ASP.NET Web API Interview Questions And Answers To Kill Your Next Tech Interview Session Cookie - Resides on the client machine for a single session until the user does not log out. The re-usable code can be used in many places... Accessing Data from a database is an important aspect of any programming language. For example, in the following code snippet, the specified ConnectionString section is used throughout the project for database connection: 44. 7. It is a server-side technology provided by Microsoft which is used to create dynamic and user-friendly web pages. SOAP is a W3C submitted note (as of May 2000) that uses standards based technologies (XML for data description and HTTP for transport) to encode and transmit application data. interview questions answers & multiple choice questions,tutorials pdf for experienced, jobs. The technique in which we post the data to different pages is called Cross Page posting. What is the file extension of web service? How can we apply Themes to an application? What are the advantages of Passport authentication? A list of frequently asked API Testing interview questions and answers are given below.. 1) What is API? Recent Articles . ASP.NET Tutorial; Question 5. In Server.Transfer page processing transfers from one page to the other page without making a round-trip back to the client's browser. In this list of ASP.NET interview question, there are most commonly asked basic to advanced ASP.NET interview question with detailed answers to help you clear the job interview easily. WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundation. Which validator control you use if you need to make sure the values in two different controls matched? We can write formatted output using Response.Output.Write(). Response.Redirect is used to redirect the user's browser to another page or site. Yes. Mention the name of the directory where it is necessary to locate the proxy file to use a Web service? We have covered 50 most important .NET interview questions for fresher candidates as well as .NET interview questions for experienced developers to help them prepare for the interview. The components of ADO.Net are Dataset, Data Reader, Data Adaptor, Command, connection. Difference Between ASP.NET Web API & WCF, ASP.NET MVC application & ASP.NET Web API application. This post is about ASP.NET Core Interview Questions. Question 4. Question 41 - What is the difference between ASP.NET Web API and WCF? We can specify the theme in web.config file. This includes its architecture, components like Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Description Language (WSDL), RESTful web services, Web services security, etc.. RedirectPermanent Performs a permanent redirection from the requested URL to the specified URL. 22. What's the use of Response.Output.Write()? The response depends on the request of the clients. For that, we can create user controls with the below code: 1) Page_PreInit 2) Page_Init In this part-6 of ASP.NET Web API Tutorial series, we will cover top 10 ASP.NET Web API interview questions related to ASP.NET Web API framework. Web services are a very vast topic. 43. We have to include below mvc assembly references in the web forms application to create hybrid application. MVC is a framework used to create web applications. So no need to remember login credentials for each web site. Top 100 ASP.NET Web API Questions With Answers Part-1 : In this video i have covered first part of top 100 ASP.NET Web API interview questions and answers . Which property of the Service Base class can be used to specify whether a service can be paused and resumed? Web config file is specific to a web application where as machine config is specific to a machine or server. What are the event handlers that we can have in Global.asax file? There can be multiple web config files into an application where as we can have only one machine config file on a server. It is also known as classic ASP. How long the items in ViewState exists? It is a framework developed by Microsoft on which we can develop new generation web sites using web forms(aspx), MVC, HTML, Javascript, CSS etc. This email address is being protected from spambots. What are the Security Controls? Which namespaces are necessary to create a localized application? We will focus on some of the most commonly asked Web API interview questions … In this Dot Net Interview Questions article series, we are going to cover most of the dot net interview questions and answers related to C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC, Linq, ASP.NET Web API, WCF, ADO.NET, Entity Framework and many more. Can we have multiple web config files for an application? Check out some more ASP.NET Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experienced Developers at ASP.NET 2.0 Interview Questions - Intermediate Level. Boxing is assigning a value type to reference type variable. 1) What is ASP? How can you ensure that only authorized users access your Web service? Find the ASP.Net Web API Essentials Using C# Interview Questions and answers prepared by experts helps you to clear your upcoming interviews on ASP.Net. ViewState is stored in a hidden field on the page at client side. 46. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 48. It performs trip back to the client where the client's browser is redirected to the new page. 30. 27. ExecuteScalar returns output value where as ExecuteNonQuery does not return any value but the number of rows affected by the query. What is RedirectPermanent in ASP.Net? .NET framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that primarily runs on windows, which can be used for building, deploying and running applications that use .NET technologies such as desktop and web applications. Note: I have tried to mention the contributor wherever possible. The Web API builds the HTTP services, and handles the request using the HTTP protocols. List the major built-in objects in ASP.NET? What is WCF? 2. List of the most popular frequently asked ASP.Net and Web API Interview Questions with Answers & examples for beginners and experienced professionals: Web Services was explained in detail in our earlier tutorial. Top 50 Asp.Net Web API Interview Questions and Answers . Hidden field on the other hand, in the Web API builds the HTTP services and it... Files in memory output using Response.Output.Write ( ) running without web.Config file between ASP.NET Web API the core of technology. Call a Web service question 41 - what is ASP.NET MVC is an open source Web development framework Microsoft! Is transported to the client where the client where the client 's to. The directory where it is a framework which helps you to brush up your knowledge before Interview! And lightweight Web application with both webforms and MVC item from the requested url to the request... Checked at compile time & WCF, ASP.NET MVC is an open source and lightweight application. 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