This intensive, year-long Master combines online and residential work for students at different stages of their careers. Course Topics. Confidentialité. It has three parts, with the following timetable: Students who pass the prescribed examinations will be awarded a first level Master from the University of Turin. Course Outline. The first part consists of distance learning over the Internet: it starts on 19 October 2020 and ends on 26 February 2021. Coursera offers opportunities to learn about a wide range of business topics online, including courses about procurement as well as supply chain management and logistics. The third part is the preparation and submission of a final dissertation: the outline of the dissertation is to be presented in Turin by 11 June 2021 and it is to be completed by mid-October 2021. design of systems for the prevention and detection of, Fill in the requested information and attach the supporting documents requested in the form, Once you have completed your application, click on, You should then receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt of your application, Your university degree (undergraduate or previous postgraduate certificate), specifying the results of the examinations (official academic transcripts), Certificates or other proof of a good level of English (if it is not your mother tongue). UNDP was shortlisted for the respected 2015 Supply Management Award in the category Best Contribution to the Reputation of the Procurement Profession. With several Online Procurement Courses designed to introduce you to the procurement management and administration process, there are only a few that stand out. Email' contacts: During the face-to-face learning phase, lectures will be held in classrooms equipped with all necessary training facilities and Wi-Fi. Pay the full tuition fees and full bed and breakfast accommodation at the ITCILO campus, namely €13,890, pay the full tuition fees, namely € 8,500, pay part of the tuition fees, specifying the amount. The Master provides you with a comprehensive package of “learning resources” which include: The Master is an intensive, blended-learning course of one full year's duration, which is divided into: Part I – Distance learning online (19 October 2020 – 26 February 2021), Part II – Face-to-face learning (08 March – 11 June 2021), Final dissertation (outline to be presented in Turin by 11 June 2021, deadline mid-October). Exam Rules: students are evaluated based on the results of their long term individual assignment. Learn by doing, through case studies, workshops, and group exercises, Exchange ideas with international students and faculty, Engage with experts from the ILO and other international organizations. What are the selection criteria for the Master? €2,850 in UCC See Fees and Costs for full details. The programme ensures that students gain knowledge, skills and competencies in procurement. i. Pre-colonial and Post-colonial era i.e. Supply chain management (SCM) is “the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole.” It has also been defined as the “design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, buil… Only a limited number of students will be admitted into each programme for each academic year. From legislative and regulatory to organizational and managerial foundations, this Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development explores a modern public procurement system. The CPSM is a globally recognized certification for supply chain professionals who have at least three years full-time supply management experience in a non-clerical or support role with a bachelor’s degree, or five years without a degree. (Subject to change), (The written exam will be only on the part of D'Amato's lessons), EBRD, EiB, AfDB, AIIB, CEB, WB, ADB, BSTB, IsDB. Цель схем сертификации в области государственных закупок является покрытие основы государственных закупок. These short online courses offer all staff access to awareness or foundation skills training. This qualification is aimed at learners who work in the public sector in all spheres of government, specifically in the procurement and supply chain area, and who seek to develop essential public administration, procurement and supply chain management skills needed at functional and higher management levels. People who are … © 2019 Centre international de formation de l’OIT. Book Today or … After finishing this Master, I’m so confident in doing my professional work as a procurement practitioner. Students will learn the key principles of public procurement with public entities, including national international organizations. It is a preparatory module and the students are required to download the selected materials (articles, research reports, etc.) To help professionals and students understand the process and perform better, this course focuses on delivering a comprehensive understanding of the management and practical aspects involved in procurement. Text Search. Level. Programme in Public Procurement and Supply Management (71226) Duration: One year Target group: Persons involved in any procurement and supply chain management activities within the public sector, or planning a career in this field Admission requirements: A National Senior Certificate (or equivalent) qualification. UNDP was shortlisted for the respected 2015 Supply Management Award in the category Best Contribution to the Reputation of the Procurement Profession. This free online EU Public Procurement diploma course will teach you everything you need to know about the development specifications used as part of the European Union (EU) Public Procurement process. What are the prerequisites for admission to the Master? For more information please visit: Important: Only complete application forms will be accepted by the online application system. CPM 3. When is the deadline for submitting my application for the 15th edition (2020/21)? The guiding line of the course is using the classroom as a laboratory, a protected environment where recognizing and testing personal negotiation aptitudes and skills. Supply Management; Log In; Join Us; TOP OF PAGE. It requires your total dedication as well as your maximum intellectual commitment. Pursuing an e-Procurement system implementation is an effective way to improve public procurement management, through the automation of all underlying processes. These free online procurement courses will teach you about the various methods which public authorities use to source goods and services from the market, and how you can be a part of it. Introduction to the legal framework for public procurement, Introduction to economics of public procurement, Instruction, incorporating application work and group/individual solutions of assignments, International Legal instruments governing PP (WTO, EU, UNCITRAL, WB, COMESA), Institutional models for PP and integration with Public Expenditure Management, Economics of Procurement Management, game theory and reverse auctions, Companies’ Balance Sheet analysis and financial reporting standards, The design of centralized public procurement strategies*, Procurement Process, Project cycle and risk management, Intellectual Property issues related to Public Procurement, Procurement Management of Supply Contracts, Procurement in the Utilities sector and Defence Procurement, Procurement remedies (bidders’ complaints procedures), Supply Chain Management: Logistics, Insurance Policies and Incoterms, Legal framework and Economics of Public Private Partnerships, Sustainable procurement: social, economic and environmental considerations in public procurement, Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement, E-Procurement (Legal issues and implementation models), individual research on a selected procurement topic. Topics covered include planning the procurement process, developing procurement Scope of Works, Request for Proposal (RFP), supplier selection, competitive bidding, price negotiation, teaming arrangements and subcontractor management. UNDP and CIPS has been awarded the prestigious European Supply Chain Excellence Award 2012/2013 in recognition of the joint Procurement Training and Certification Programme and its success in professionalizing the UN and public procurement … This will enable the participants to get an overview of Public Procurement and understand the rationale behind Public Procurement decisions. You should attach the requested supporting documents in the Supporting Documents section of the on-line application form (An asterisk(*) indicates that a field is mandatory). Adult Continuing Education, Business and Law 4. Since the topic is such a broad field of study, you are exposed to a wide variety of principles and management techniques. Part-Time. - Public procurement practitioners, managers and officials of ministries, local government bodies and public expenditure supervisory bodies; - Procurement and financial auditors from the public and private sectors; - Project managers and procurement personnel from investment and technical cooperation projects financed by development agencies (IFIs, the United Nations, the EU, NGOs); - Recent university graduates who intend to work in the field of public procurement or public expenditure management; - Procurement trainers and professionals involved in the development and implementation of national procurement training programmes and certification schemes; - Procurement practitioners from the private sector; - Procurement consultants and procurement advisors. If you want your family or friends to visit you while you are in Turin, you should arrange their visas, travel and accommodation yourself. Please visit Turin University’s accommodation web pages: Edisu Piemonte tutoring by dedicated teaching assistants and guidance by an overall coordinator. Type. This course also illustrates practical examples and models on understanding the processes and procedurals of public procurement. Admission without a senior certificate may be considered on the basis of seniority and … Applicants must have successfully completed a first level university degree of at least 3 years’ duration preferably in public administration, engineering, law or social sciences or related discipline. How can I obtain recognition of this academic qualification in my country of origin? Les cours de certification des achats du PNUD sont accrédités par le Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) assurant la conformité aux normes internationales élevées de qualification ainsi que d'offrir aux participants l'accès à une communauté mondiale de professionnels de l'approvisionnement. Know the tools and approaches needed to determine the best value for the money. learn about common approaches to anticorruption in procurement, from bid remedies to anti-fraud measures; identify common patterns in anticorruption systems, such as corporate compliance and debarment systems; give an understanding of the legal framework associated with the control of corruption in public procurement process, including the relevant provisions in the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, the UN Convention Against Corruption, the UNCITRAL Model Procurement Law and EU Procurement Directives; give a practical understanding of the types of corruption that procurement practitioners face in practice during the course of procurement processes; provide an understanding of the governance and structures that can be used to combat corruption. Home. Tous droits réservés. According to ITCILO rules, the bed and breakfast accommodation starts the day before (normally a Sunday) the beginning of the course and ends the day after the end of the course (normally a Saturday). Students learn by studying, collaborating, and observing practitioners in action. You must demonstrate a good level of English. Short Courses: GPSP M12 – Strategic Sourcing: Planning & Assessment, GPSP M13 – Supplier Negotiations, GPSP M14 – Supplier Selection & Performance, GPSP M15 – Contract Implementation, GPSP M16 – Contract Management, Purchasing & Procurement in the Supply Chain These Online Procurement Courses will … to introduce students to the types of disputes that arise during the various stages of public procurement; to introduce students to the role that ‘best value’ methodology can play in the prevention and resolution of procurement disputes; to introduce students to the positive roles that alternative dispute resolution can play; to explore ways to ensure that procurements are conducted so as to obtain maximum value for the money spent., Important: In order to find an accommodation outside of the ITCILO Campus, which is not too far to reach, it is advised to make your booking as soon as possible after receiving your acceptance letter. Official documents should be uploaded in one of the following formats: PDF, JPEG, or Word. What is a course in procurement management? This Master turned into an opportunity not only for me to enhance my capacity and competencies but also assisted me to work on the procurement professionalization reform in my country. Understand and implement common project management concepts within the context of public procurement. The Master is structured in three parts: online learning, residential classes, and an individual research paper. Only six applications will be accepted from 1 August to 24 September 2020. Supply Chain Management course; Supply Chain Training. The second part consists of face-to-face learning. Cours en Procurement, proposés par des universités et partenaires du secteur prestigieux. The fifteenth Master's edition 2020/2021 will start on 19 October 2020. As Turin is a student city the demand for apartments might increase especially in the beginning of the semester. Training. Relevant fields of study: Finance,Management . The Master's programme in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development explores the legislative, regulatory, organizational and managerial foundations of a … The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), established by the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 2205 of 17 December 1966 plays an important role in developing that framework in pursuance of its mandate to further the progressive harmonization and modernization of the law of international trade. It is residential: lessons will be held in Turin at the ITC-ILO Campus from 08 March until 11 June 2021. For governments, procurement is a methodology for securing products and services at a good value - for businesses, procurement is a lucrative business opportunity. Attendance of classes is compulsory. The … On your application form, you are kindly asked to indicate whether you can: Applications will be reviewed by the Selection Committee in two different rounds of admission. You can take individual courses or Specializations in procurement from Rutgers the State University of New Jersey and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). What kind of Academic degree I will obtain upon completion of this Master? The Master is a unique blended-learning opportunity that combines the study of policy tools and theory with applied assignments and research work. A number of sponsors have earmarked a limited amount (only part of the tuition fees) of financial assistance to facilitate the participation of deserving candidates who are unable to meet the full tuition plus accommodation costs. If you are outside of Italy, turn to the national education authorities of the country you need it recognized in, to ask about how to obtain recognition. At the end of the Master, you will have acquired a full spectrum of knowledge and skills covering: Students gain the tools to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring public procurement in an economic and socially responsive manner. The unique learning path offered by this Master through a succession of distance learning, face-to-face tuition and applied research ensures an optimal transfer of competences while minimizing disruption of your job. On your application form, you are kindly requested to indicate the portion of the tuition fee and full board that you are able to finance. Offered by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST). understand what is the project cycle, how the different phases of the project cycle are organized and what are the deliverables of each phase; illustrate how to move from the programme to the implementation of the projects; illustrate what is a procurement plan and its main features; explain which are the possible implementation options; explain which are the main types of contracts; define and identify what are the standard procurement procedures; understand what are the crucial factors of contract management. Supply Management Training Courses. Individuals with knowledge of procurement process can reduce lapses in management or communication and ensure organizational success. In order to register at the University of Turin, you need to bring the following documents with you to Turin: Important: Obtaining these documents can be a lengthy process; once you receive the acceptance letter, you should apply for them immediately. If you don’t stay on the ITCILO campus, you can also find an accommodation in central Turin. From which date is the cost of stay at ITCILO campus covered by the bed and breakfast accomodation fee? The overall objective of the Master is to help bridge the current deficit in qualified human resources and to enable procurement professionals to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring public procurement in an economic and socially responsive manner. You are therefore expected to finance your own participation as far as possible. The objectives of the module are to define and identify effective public procurement design, in particular: centralization; auctions vs negotiations; contracting strategies and incentives; auction formats; best value for money; scoring rules; division in lots; collusion and corruption; Programme in Public Procurement and Supply Management (71226) Duration: One year Purpose: The purpose of the programme is to introduce and sensitise students to an integrated approach in the management of procurement within the highly regulated public sector environment and to provide an output of students that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public procurement in South … 10. demonstrate the level of competence set by the tutors through the assignments submitted; satisfy the attendance requirements: attendance at all training sessions during the residential phase is compulsory: only participants with at least 90% attendance of training sessions will be entitled to apply for the Master; successfully complete the final dissertation. Over 20 online short course options covering topics such as Introduction to Procurement and Introduction to Contract Management, Business Acumen and Commercial Skills and Introduction to Category Management to name a few – enrol and study anytime, on any device. Procurement Supply Chain Management Training Course (Procurement And Supply Chain Management Courses, Procurement Conference, Strategic Sourcing Training, Supply Chain Short Course, Procurement Officer Training). This training workshop starts with key topics concerned with public and private sector procurement. This is where the procurement management processes come in. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info. Tel:011-882-8853. University Short Course Diploma of Procurement and Supply: Chartered Institute In Procurement and Supply (CIPS) Fee: R 47 200.00. The only difference between them is the educational background and academic qualification required: to enrol on a level I Master's you need a bachelor degree; while for a level II Master's you already need a post-graduate degree. The Professional Diploma in Public Procurement is an advanced programme that equips decision-makers with the skills to design and implement strategic initiatives, thus ensuring they position and resource their procurement activity appropriately. After extensive research, our team of experts compiled this list of Best Seven Procurement Courses, Classes, Tutorials, Training and Certification programs available online for 2020.This course is suitable for beginners, intermediates, and experts. 9. The Sustainable Development Programme is moving forward to the graduation of its newest class of Public Procurement Master participants despite the coronavirus. This course is scheduled to commence in the months of March, June, September and December, but this may subject to changes. It covers the whole spectrum of technical, procedural and business competencies for successfully conducting each step of the procurement process for physical services. Public Procurement Training Courses. Training activities focus on the implementation and evaluation of modern, efficient, sustainable, and inclusive public procurement systems that align with the 2030 Agenda. The Certificate in Procurement Management is designed for busy professionals employed in the SME and multinational sector, as well as the public sector, who seek to deliver concrete, sustainable results through effective procurement management. Procurement Supply Chain Management Training Course (Procurement And Supply Chain Management Courses, Procurement Conference, Strategic Sourcing Training, Supply Chain Short Course, Procurement Officer Training). Hosting over 74.000 students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, the University of Turin can be considered as “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing research, innovation, training and employment. The purpose of the programme is to equip students with a sound fundamental knowledge base and basic skills regarding procurement in the public sector. A University Master is a high specialization for an academic improvement and enhancement in a specific content area, in order to provide graduate students with advanced education and training for highly qualified professions in specific sectors. Is one of the procurement Management processes come in the processes and procedurals of public procurement online residential! Costs about 400-600€ per month objective of the selection processes will take place in Rome in-depth and! 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