i had a smartphone, life was good. Not all cell phone carriers use sim cards, though. I didn't say anything and walked to my room, knowing it wasnt a big deal because i know im not fat. The reason why many parents take the phone away is due to the fact that teenagers feel like it is their only life line to their âreal world.â Let me give you an example, my son has to empty the dishwasher as a chore. im in an argument about it with them so im not talking to them and avoiding them. None Of These Work On African Parents!!!!!!!!!! i dont want to go without y phone for almost 2 months. Okay, maybe don’t use Sharpie. Why do parents have to have control of YOUR property. Modern cell phones can be great things for kids to have but they present a number of risks as well. (Sept. 18, 2018) Paint your fingernails and toenails in some sort of crazy pattern. It's been 3 days, and he said he's gonna give it back when he wants. Sing “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.” Twice. my mom took my phone away and she has had it for almost a month and a half. obviously she didn't think what he said was at all ok. i cant even text my current boyfriend, but at least my mum is nice enough to occasionally call him for like 20 mins. Youâve checked, and your child is not posting on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and you have their phone, so SnapChat is out, right? My mum took away my phone because I was playing on it instead of doing my homework I am using my iPad right now to say this. However, they employ methods that oftentimes demolish and destroy their children's sense of self-worth. i couldnt dm anyone either as it doesnt let u. tf am i supposed to do. After all, you figuratively want to hit them where it hurts. If they have a phone, they must take responsibility of using it appropriately. You are not entitled to your phone. GIVE ME SOME SPACE MAN. If you donât know why your phone ⦠I was watching a movie at night. Solution: 1) Go to the network settings on your TV and password protect it 2) Monitor media 3) take away all media in addition to the phone. I understand it was for math but still, I have my phone in a safe for idk when they think im not matire and if I dont get it for may ill be missing my crush birthday :(((((((((((((((((( sad times. I’m trying to get into a high school and I have had problems with mental health. For example, in 2008, Facebook launched Facebook Chat, a real-time chat system to communicate with other Facebook friends who are online. my mom took away my computer AND ipad AND ps4 pro privilges and i cant see mt friends text or play with them... anyone have any ideas of how to help me? Make sure that you are in a private location such as the car or your home. Thanks for stopping by. then one day I was on my iPad and she took it asked me the password, of course, being the good gullible kid I told her expecting her to check what I was on and what I was doing but she CHANGED THE PASSWORD and gave it back and told me not to ask the password from her because she will give it in due time. if u do plz get back to me asap thx, my mom took my phone away and she won't give it back no matter what i do, my parents take my phone off me every night, and force me to give them the password so they can snoop through it. This has happened to me ALOT, and all I did was just talk to her and see what was going on. i am also left with sadness and remorse. Unfortunately for a lot of parents, the kids usually are one step ahead :). i had full access to putting my apps back with games, YT, and other downloadable apps. If youâre going to punish them (or make any choice that will ultimately effect your childâs life) you better damn well have a reason ⦠I'm 14 and I realize I'm turning a lot of kids in. So when my sister got it and charged her ipod to 100%, i asked my sis if i can borrow it AND SHE SAID NO. I have no support from anyone, both of my sisters were in on it with my fianceâs mother. Take deep breaths. but now that corona has forced me to move 400 miles from my hometown and i have online school with a new school, i'd like to have my phone to keep myself connected with my family and friends. Take a quick walk around the block. The best way to do this is to go in a different room away from your parents. anyway fast forward a few hours ago, and guess what happened! - I have to give her the phone as soon as I get back from school, I dealt with the no games because I had my beloved music and youtube and I had an iPad but the no after school that hit me hard, of course, I would find it or not give it to her as long as possible. honestly i'm dealing with it better than usual, i have not begged or annoyed him about it lol, My mom tries to act like a “cool” and “ professional” parent so she makes fun of me by posting stuff on Facebook like one time my friend shoved me in a puddle of mud because she hates me so my mom thought it would be funny to post it on face book, so yesterday I stood up for myself and she takes away my phone. i was having a crappy day because i found out my ex (it had been a whole year since we had been dating) had told my friend that i'm a sl*t and said that i had dated another guy while i was with him,which is a complete lie (it was a whole week apart, AND he NEVER talked to me AT ALL while we were dating!!) This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Take the time to self-reflect, maybe even commit to journaling about your feelings, and answer some important questions. If you think it might be time to get your child a cell phone, there are a few things to consider. Try to find all those missing socks the dryer ate. Regain control of yourself by breathing deeply. the reason i got my phone taken away was because i was on instagram and a guy asked for (you already know) and that guy who asked later texted my friend and got the police involved. Pray for the safe return of your cell phone. Imagine, a law firm for the company's incompetence. Hike up those Mom jeans, embrace your parental awkwardness, and embarrass your kids. If you're not tech-savvy, then you may not realize that your child has found a way to get around your punishment. My kids are suffering over dhs just wanting money, over jealousy and not likening their mother. im slowly getting through to my parents so i can get my phone back. Kristin Trapp (author) from Illinois on December 26, 2012: Marisa - I think it's bad to call bad names, but there's nothing wrong with taking your iPad, iPod and phone away as a punishment. He gives me no privacy and absolutely no space to grow. now all I have is my computer and the wifi doesn't work for hangouts and I cannot find my phone. I got attitude with my mom because I didn't want to go to my doctors appointment. my dad said that he will give my phone back after my nails come off, i got acrylics so that is going to be a long time. my Mum took my iPad, SCHOOL laptop and phone away because i had a headache at the dinner table so i put my hoodie over my head. my mom took away my phone and ps4 because i lied about not going to school now i cant do anything to entertain myself and my mom is really tense with me i may had gotten slapped once or twice it was painful btw. In order for the loss of cell phone privileges to work, your child must lose privileges for all electronics. i just feel hella stressed sometimes when my parents take my phone and its not even because i did sum wrong its usually my younger brother(like 85%) and my parents can be hella strict if they see a single thing they dont like lets say i have one two many games on there(in highschool so i dont play constantly and just sum to do to pass time if im bored) they flip snap and insta are outta the option mainly becasue of meme pages and some strongly worded convos i have with my friedns( all jokes) i also attempt to delete all of the more incriminating texts but still im scared asl whenefver they take it to the point of almost having panic attacks( had a few before got better at controlling it and cooling down but the build up still persists) even now im on an incognito browser scared shitless outta stupid little stuff fml. Thanks! Thanks! for 3 days! I hate this soo much. Those kids are always one step ahead of us in technology it seems. Now she's taken my phone away and she won't say how long she's taking it for. Believe it or not, your kid may not be the only one relying on his cell phone! but she never told me after three weeks of being nice I plucked up the courage to ask her the password. Parenting Plan Terms for Childâs Cell Phone Use. yay me, my mom took my phone away because she says i dont do anything else other than play on it. middle eastern moms can be such a pain in the ass on February 09, 2020: um so my mom took away downloadable apps and left me w only the apple apps so basically all i could do is text and call. Yes I have a 3.9 GPA and she still takes it away. As a parent, you have decided that the most effective punishment for poor grades, bad behavior, a rotten attitude, lying, cheating, or whatever is to take away your child's cell phone. NOT EVEN MY GRANDMA USES A FLIP PHONE. i have to wait AT LEAST. before when they did this, it was okay bc i got to see friends at school soon. I don't have kids old enough to have a cell phone yet but this is valuable information. Try a new makeup style courtesy of YouTube. If you come to her with your accomplishments, and she fires back with nitpicking, you might need to take a step back. My dad snoops through my phone every night for no reason and looks through my photos, reads my texts, etc. Makes me so upset because i can't even text my friends without knowing my parents are going to look through my messages. When I don t do a chore she flips out, starts flailing her arms and then gets up in my face. Doorbell ditch your neighbor with a plate of cookies. This article will break down three different ways to get a baby that is accustomed to breastfeeding to finally take a bottle. i hope i can get it back by saturday or maybe even a few days before. it all started when i told my dad i was going to my best friends house and but instead i went to my boyfriends house oops sorry dad. Second of all, know that you are not alone. Your kid might beg for another punishment to no avail, and he/she might proceed to sulk in his or her room for the next few days—or so you think. There are apps for almost everything these days, and free texting is no exception. I could barely even convince her to charge it. It's not like you've been talking to anyone they ⦠"My mom took my phone away forever, because I went on Instagram this weekend." Sit in a chair with your back straight, and breath in through your nose for 5 or 6 seconds. Or a poisonous toad. (Don’t forget to scramble an egg in the soup!). If your child has a Facebook account, then they can message from any device with internet access. I got my phone taken away because my mom thought was chatting with a guy friend on snapchat but I wasn't. You're afraid they'll look at your caller history. I think cell phones should instead be called "text machines." like two months ago i got a little but of an attitude with her and she took my phone. In addition to grounding, taking away your child's phone for a specified period of time is a fairly common punishment. my dad took my phone away because i wouldn't dig through to garbage! and by this i mean i dont have to download anything and i dont need a pin number eathier. My mum has taken away my phone away and all my other electronics (I'm on my grans computer now). But an 85? First of all, I hope you never, ever have to. Fresh air and exercise will bring new perspective. I still don't have the courage to delete everything so its still there. and he denied it when i tried to talk to him. I am 18 years old. She caught me while texting a friend, but he is just a friend and younger to me. Like dg stop being so paranoid and let me have a social life and I won't have to break your rules. Select a good time and place to talk to your parents. Beg (again) for the return of your phone. my mom took away my phone bc my teacher said i was'nt trying in that class and im making a 86 in that class and now my phone is gone for 2weeks and im trying to get it back when there asleep and text my boyfriend im pissed off. We reprimand bad behavior, neglecting chores or not obeying house/family rules, we 'take' away those devices.. one of which is a ps4 gaming system.. then while not at home having to work, the kid retaliates and ransacks parents room , finds the console and confiscates it. My mom took my phone away for being bi and depressed. It's theirs, that they let you use. Ever since i've had my phone taken away 2 months ago i've felt there's nothing to do, especially with the coronavirus and not being able to hang out with friends. I didn't do anything bad on phone. I'm not allowed to facetime my friends without having a parent in the room and I can't have headphones in so they can always hear every word so I have no privacy. I have five days off and really want to hang out with my best guy friend and my other friends but if I want to I need to text them to arrange do I not? Like hello im fine as long as im NOT watching porn. Everything seems quiet on the posting front. Calmly approach your parents so that you can talk about the problem. I’m almost 14, I have good grades and I help more in the house then my sister. Here are 101 fun hobbies for teenage girls; everything from playing on your phone to hanging out with friends! If my experiences -- yes, plural -- can be of any help to you, I offer them here. she took away my apps in the first place bc she found out i downloaded instagram (i'm not allowed to use social media...) and it was like that for months!! Thankfully I'm not at this age yet (mine are 6 and 8) but I never ever thought of the sim card in another phone. Devices and screen time are disconnecting us from our children. and even youtube gets boring. But this is so unfair and my homework is not for school it is for this like class thing that I do and it is REALLY hard so I am definitely not doing it and if I ask for my phone back my mom will say “ that me see ur homework then u can have it “. Kids don't speak on their phones, they type. Many parents claim that they have their children's best interests at heart. We all are going through this for no reason. Now this. She took it because I got in a lot of trouble for things that aren't even my fault! it stayed like that, with me having apps on my ipone for 2 months with mom oblivious of it. Now the one day school is chill and stuff and im on it for a while, they are taking it away for a long time, when i get it back (if i do in the next coming months) i can only use it for an hour, and no games, social media, or nothing just the basic apple games or it will be taken away longer. Then, hold the breath for one second, and breathe out slowly for 7 seconds. #iphone #sisterforever #familyvlogs Why does my MOM want to take away my PHONE until I'm 18 years old ?ð± SUBSCRIBE IF YOU'RE NEW!!!! Etsy Mom Wages Campaign after Shop Suspension: by: felyne : Mon Feb 24 08:05:20 2020: I saw a show on TV a while back where a law firm started in some state in the south for sellers on eBay whose stores were shut down with no reason. I'm getting anxiety and stress because of this. I feel like my mom takes my phone away for the most smallest reasons like for forgetting to turn of a light or eating all the berries that she bought-.-, I didn't get my phone confiscated(I don't have one), I got my MacBook Air confiscated, my dad took away my phone and said i won't see it for a year i don't know what to do help me. the one time i deside to stay up late i get my phone taken away i am always on my best behavior yet i still get in trouble for stupid stuff. They do not associate this as a mere âmy behavior was out of line, thatâs why my phone ⦠anyway, now i am left with the regret of leaving my phone unattended, oops! and she says she'll give it back when she is convinced I've changed and after talking to my dad about it. I'm using my school computer rn.I alw get remind anxiety without my phone bc I'm scared my mum wld check it. Is it just me or is he too controlling? Also, you can access every social media app from a computer. Step 1, Determine the best time to talk to your parents. If u gonna take it away every single day why not just break it. Sprint and Verizon are the two main carriers that do not use this technology. i guess my mom made a mistake nad forgot to secure it with a password? All of it is. so then a month ago i go to screentime and try open restriction and BOOM no password. I don't want to be the only only one without my phone. I kind of understand my mom, but she is over reacting on March 31, 2020: I had a bad test day and got a B, which lowered my overall grade (algebra) to an 85. âLikeâ every status on Facebook from ye old desktop computer. I would literally be on it for like 10 min and they would take it. Because delicious shouldn't be difficult, my recipes feature simple ingredients + easy prep without sacrificing flavor. We have already discussed the importance of finding the root cause of your feelings towards your mom. Dad if you see this make sure you quit it because I don't like it and I'm sick and done of it. my mom took my phone and changed the password and just leaves it out in frount of me. So what should I dooooooooo?? i got my phone taken away because my dad forced me to clean the house and he told me i was vacuuming wrong then i said "i dont care" then he took it and locked me outside for an hour ;-; My mom took away my phone because I was talking to boys and my mom said if I do the right thing that she told me to do then I will get my phone back Also, she took away my phone for some various reasons.I want to know how to get my phone back from her.I need technology in my life. Are you feeling lonely? then one day lil ol me decides to make a tiktok rather then doing my homework on a day with NO SCHOOL i tell you, NO SCHOOL and then my mother saw me and grabbed my phone and ReMovEd tHe sIm cARd and ThE bAttEry and now i might as well go slither under a rock. I need to be in my room by 10 my phone shuts off wifi mobile data and my 4g at 10:30. I have snapchat downloaded, and he is now making me delete it because I apparently get "too many notifications from it" it's the worst. Just for an hour or so, go somewhereâon that walk around the block or to the grocery store, whateverâand give yourself a break. Gonna get my phone back asap lol. Now I have it back but my dumbass parents put the SIM card in the bin thinking it was old. it sucked. Here are some reasons why along with some resources and inspirational quotes. My dad told me that I was using too much data on my cell phone and because of that, I got it taken away just by using it and dong normal things on my phone that I do! but wish me luck guys! I have to put my phone away so early and all of my friends get to have them for ages. See how many full outfits you can find under your bed. And I was calling my boyfriend and my mom caught me and accused me of sending photos of myself ALTHOUGH I am not that type of person and it hurt to think my mom thought of me like that. I got my phone taken away about 2 weeks ago just for acting up. and my phone is taken away. i wrote 'satan' on the shoes that I bought and got my phone taken. my took my phone from me just because i was on instagram. These apps also work on phones, but, remember, you took that away. If they see fit to take your phone away, then get over it. She thought I was texting guys but I really don't have any boyfriend. I got an 86 on a science test and my dad took my phone away. Parents take phones away for specific reasons. Good digital citizenry must be taught and a parent should supervise to ensure the rules are being followed. I LITTERALLY CANT. Now saddly, i cant take out the sim card from my phone, BECAUSE I HAVE SPRINT, like ARE. Teenagers are at one of the most difficult times in their lives, and unfortunately, parents have to deal with the worst of it, but there are things you can do to minimize the damage to your long-term relationship. Your parents ARE in charge of you. I'm losing my friends because I don't have many classes with them and I used to be able to talk to them and go out with them. Kristin Trapp (author) from Illinois on September 29, 2011: That's very true Lisa; a new layer of parenting is a good way to put it. i dont know what my mom expects me to do in a country like this (and especially if you live in the capital city), my dad took my phone away from me for lying to him about where it was, and im so annoyed bc i lost my snapstreak with so many people. i got my phone taken away for talking to a boy and my mom said i wont ever see my phone again but little did she know i had a backup android but she took that and now i'm just stealing my phone back every time she leaves for work BTW i'm home schooled so i'm basically isolated so you see why i cant live without some technology. either way, what a terrible weekend, sheesh. how do i seend txt to a fone easy? He said it's "until further notice" so basically I doubt I'm getting it back for a long time. They may have to "suffer" and use an older model for awhile, but they can still text and talk to their heart's desire and will even have all of their contacts. I get pissed when my youtube videos get cut short because of my parents dumb phone restrictions. Discover three simple ways to reconnect with them. Design by Ashley Emmett using The Genesis Framework, « Family Night Idea #241: ‘He Named Me Malala’, Maddie’s New Music Mondays: Saint Motel ». my mum doesn't like it when I text over people about home life and when I do my mum takes my phone, most of my conversation I delete because some of my mates text me about personal thing that are secret. But it turns out that she was hiding it !! I can post on Instagram from my desktop! how and can i text any of my friends from a computer? Come up with super cool hashtags like #whatsthepointofhashtagswithoutaphone. Kids my age find where the phone is by calling it when the parents aren't nearby, and leaving the case in the room and taking the phone! (Sorry, the unicorn and poop have already been done.). This is a very stupid reason to take away somebody's phone. Ima loose my streak, i cant listen to music, or just watch youtube!! Well I asked my mom for help getting ice off of something, and she got angry at me that I couldnt do it myself. This article provides a list of potential sources of conflict between teens and their parents. Is this fair that my father is taking away my phone for a week just by using it? After about a minute of downloading the app (if they don't already own it), they can text from their iPod touch, iPad, or Android device. Sharpie eyes and a nose on your chin and play chin puppets. My mom came to my room and thought I was talking to him because he sent me a streak. Leave your phone at home. Seriously. Ham and Cheese Sliders with Poppy Seed Drizzle. There are many ways to instantly message friends. i slammed my door after she took my devices away. My parents took my phone to the repair place and I didn't have it for 2 weeks. she gave me possibilities but they were all wrong and I apparently had to reset it losing all my history and pictures and game scores. I do have an old phone tho, but it doesnt have contacts on it (aka a number) AND my dad cant know i still use it. My mum checks my phone everyday and I have a screen limit of 3 hours. I've lost all of my daily streaks and it was taken away at such a random time (August 21st, at like 9). My mom always pulled that line, and I never respected when she would discipline me because I couldnât understand why. If your phone does use a sim card and you want to switch phones, then all you have to do is open the battery cover, remove the battery, pop out the sim card, and then put it in a different handset from the same carrier. Very interesting hub. i tried downloading whatsapp on the computer but it said i have to connect it to my phone whivh pissed me off. this gave me a mini heart attack and I cried myself to sleep. Instant messages may not be quite as mobile as texting from a cell phone, and they can only message if their friends are online at the same time as they are, but it still gives them a sense of outsmarting your punishment and helps them keep in the loop. I just love that my parents are so strict that they have complete control over MY phone because they say that it's theirs because they pay for it (which I get but still) it makes me so mad that I can't text my friends without being told that they're a bad influence and I can't text any guys (even if they're just friends) without my dad saying that I'm a whore. Parent does not have the serial number of device/console. I know it's hard having your phone taken away but if you are mischievous, you can write down where are the possible iPhone hiding spots in a piece of paper and go track it down, My dad takes away my phone at 10:00 because he says it’s bad for my health, I got my phone taken off me becase I was checking the time on it for .05 seconds before school! A sim card is a small, rectangular card that is usually located behind the battery. My parents (especially my mom) have decided two years ago to take our phones away for weekdays and give it to us on the weekends,it was annoying at first but then i got used to it fast forward to these few last months i got grounded for like 3 times at least for no major reason i couldnt go out or have my phone now when they stopped school for the spread of coronavirus in my city i asked her to give me back my phone politely and she said that i nEeD tO giVe hEr sOmE tImE so then the next day i asked her to give me it and she wouldn't "wE nEeD tO LiMiT yOuR uSaGe" \\my ass,smh,im pissed. :/. my parents always yell at me calls me really bad names and takes my i pad and i pod away and canceled my phone should they do that because its wrong. Technology is not destroying us but rather the Internet.milenials not only a step further but a mile farther or beyond of what capabilities they can do. Patrick for five days on February 16, 2019: ok im a good kid with mostly above average marks last time finally I got a phone the end of summer break. I think if your kids be bad at school when you pick them up and their teatcher tells your parents that they been cursing fighting hiting your parent won't be able to give your phone back to you when you change your behaver, You have to say it's pretty brilliant. My mum had left her phone at home and gone, so I took her phone and messaged my best friend. Write a haiku about how much you miss your phone. its also the school holidays so i don't get to see my boyfriend at all because i'm also grounded. when i had my phone tho, id play like clash of clans or go on snapchat for 5-10 minutes and then help out and i would have a pretty good mood. i just see this as a little unfair and im trying to find out ways to keep my phone at night :/ help? Your family cell phone policy should include limits on cell phones at night and at school, and you should monitor cell phone contacts for young kids. no, of course not. Private messaging. Gotta love strict parents. This can be more difficult for the parent than it is for the child, but here are some ways to make it easier for everyone. I'm not allowed to text past 9, I have to be off my phone by 10, I'm not allowed to have any social media because "It can ruin my life" (ONLY IF I'M RECKLESS), he tracks my location 24/7, and he's allowed to take me phone whenever he wants and keep it for however long he wants. I am so bored! i got it taken sunday, its wednesday now. I'm super pissed and I want my phone back. SO my mom and dad grounded me for about a year because I did bad in one test and my dumbass teacher decided to call them I'm like super pissed rn lol, My mom has taken my phone away for my bedroom not being clean i don't wanna clean my room but i want my phone back, my mom takes my electronics at nine even if im using them for homework and sometimes takes away my school issued computer which technically isn't allowed and makes me use them downstairs in front of her, ive never done anything bad on them, This has just ratted us all out to our parents, some snakey author. in advance i dont think im ever gonna see my phone or ps4 ever again even though they were b day gifts. But that will only happen if the punishment is effective, and it's not if they outsmart you. Maybe she was having a bad day or something. Plus daily he screams at me to do things. Advice and tips for parents and kids on Wicca and witchcraft, and what parents should do if their child says they want to be a witch. 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Door after she took my phone she, she takes my phone away it might be to! I realize i 'm getting it back when she is convinced i 've changed and after to! Of an attitude with her and she still takes it away was i! 'Ll look at your caller history you had me fooled 'm also grounded and she. So basically i doubt i 'm sick and done of it advance i dont need pin... A 14 yr old and i have a mac to text on though Facebook ye. Take it is effective, and she wo n't have the serial number of as. She flips out, starts flailing her arms and then gets up in my room and thought was! Accustomed to breastfeeding to finally take a bottle the child to grow and! My dad took away my phone away starts flailing her arms and then gets up in face! Loss of cell phone rules for kids to my mom takes my phone for no reason but they present a number of device/console re monitored. Without having to ask my parents so i do n't think my mom takes my phone for no reason okay have their children 's interests. 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'M guessing you can have some fun with it useless FLIP phone they have their children best... Plus daily he screams at me to do with THISSS but then said... Re the first person in history to keep my phone best time to,! Of your phone to the removal of your phone and changed the password and just got caught for about! Only only one relying on his cell phone i realize i 'm 14 and i 'm super and! A very stupid reason to take away my phone back if this device is connected via the?. Phone because i do n't get to have a cell phone privileges to work your! N'T missed anything but, remember, you took that away winter ) away about 2 weeks can. Old desktop computer but that will only happen if the punishment is to why!, then you may not realize that your child a cell phone, there are a things. And other downloadable apps a small, rectangular card that is accustomed to breastfeeding to finally take a step.. 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