I've reviewed the articles and none of them can answer this question. Now the table will be like this. If we take this a step further, we can use the FOR XML PATH option to return One way to solve this would be to use a SQL Cursor and select the values from the column and then loop through the resultset one row at a time and append the value from the row. Works perfectly with SSMS. Is there a way to generate an update script to update all duplicated issues with the primary ID across many tables? We are grouping by SEC_NAME to show all USERS within that SECTOR. used are. The Overflow Blog Neural networks could help computers code themselves: Do we still need human… Podcast 270: Oracle tries to Tok, Nvidia Arms up. Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Edgewood Solutions, LLC All rights reserved is used to retrieve the results as an XML string. Thank you for the clear explanation -- it's helped me twice now. The query uses the combination of values in all specified columns in the SELECT list to evaluate the uniqueness.. Let me clear myself from this example: Table : Employee Column: Emp_Name User Input: George, Aldwin Required is to find with … The T-SQL STUFF command is used to concatenate the results together. All the values must have the same type as the type of the column or expression. SEC_NAME Sector1 Sector2 Sector3 Sector 4Clothers Keith Stefan Eduard BradEntertainment Anderson Charles Danny LucasWell, hoping I could find answers. This syntax is STUFF(character_expression, start, length, replaceWith_expression): Here is an example of the how to use the STUFF command. SQL,Make Multiple values for multiple columns into one column separated by comma Hi, I'm getting the result as this Name Class Subject-----Anju 10 MathsAnju 10 Physics How to write the query to get the result like this Name Class Subjects-----... Refering to a table with one column and one row Hi all, I wish to set a reference date for age calculations in various places. Proc SQL: Combine Multiple Row Values into One Column/Row Posted 08-25-2015 03:06 AM (3758 views) Hi All, ... Proc SQL: Combine Multiple Row Values into One Column/Row Posted 08-25-2015 11:09 AM (6003 views) | In reply to LAKings . We can see that we have the leading This helped me:), This is a nice solution provided, much thanks to the author :). If you apply the DISTINCT clause to a column that has NULL, the DISTINCT clause will keep only one NULL and eliminates the other. If a default does not exist for the c… I do however, need to set values for the merged fields (like an array) so the application that will use this file can determine how many appointments need to be sent to the customer. one row data comes in two lines and I want to insert the new lines data into respective columns. I thought about rewriting the VB code from the original application, but this has become a huge undertaking, since it was setup to create an xml file using an array, so I setup an SSIS package for this instead. Person A Rejected it before B did anything, so the ticket was rejected, but still marked on “Open” for B. might be able to do. What I really need is for it to look like the 1st output, but have 128 and 282 summed into 410. To do this I can use the bitwise AND operator (&). I tried with this SQL Query . SQL INSERT MULTIPLE ROWS. Currently developers have to write multiple insert statement when they insert values in a table. In other words, the DISTINCT clause treats all NULL “values” as the same value.. SQL Server SELECT DISTINCT examples It's exactly what I looking for. If you want to get the results next to each other instead of in separate rows, you can use pivot:. The data returned for the xmlpath using stuff function returns a lenght of 45678 . I need while exporting the data to have a single row for each record that contains all information. Earlier, I have written a blog post about how to split a single row data into multiple rows using XQuery. However this would be an inefficient solution: DECLARE @List varchar(200) DECLARE @CustomerID int SET @List = '' DECLARE CustIDCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT CustomerID FROM Customer OPEN CustIDCursor … Many times developers ask that is it possible to insert multiple rows into a single table in a single statement. Previous SQL Server INSERT Multiple rows same values in one column but not another 03-27-2018 07:33 AM. How can I incorporate this into the below statement? Retrieving multiple values from one field in SQL Server for use in multiple columsn in Reports. Each list must be enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma. So, I put it inthe Toad took and it doesn't like the FOR XML so, is there another way to do this? SQL Server has a PIVOT relational operator to turn the unique values of a specified column from multiple rows into multiple column values in the output (cross-tab), effectively rotating a table. data, reporting, exchanging data between systems and more. I know INSERT ALL /* Every one is a person */ INTO people (person_id, given_name, family_name, title) VALUES (id, given_name, family_name, … However watch out for Unicode values! To specify an OR condition In the Criteria Pane, add the column to search. too much going on and someone like myself, newbie, needs to understand basics on it and how to use it plain and simple to take a column with multiple values and place it into one single cell (one column and one row) as the output with comma separation in the next step following. You should experiment yourself with your actual data. SELECT ss.ID, ss.Name, s.Value FROM Sales s JOIN SalesStaff ss ON ss.ID = s.SalesID That gives you: 1 Joe 100 1 Joe 200 2 Mike 300 While it is possible to store multiple values in a single column but converting them to strings and comma separating them, it's a PITA to work with and always gives problems. SUM of Multiple columns of MySQL table We have seen how the sum function is used to get the total value of a column in a mysql table. If you have access to the query or the stored procedure, try to accomplish this in the SQL query level itself because calculating it in reporting service is costlier than doing it in the query level (better if there is a stored procedure becasue it is compiled and faster). Thank you. The list of values may come from the results returned by a subquery. We will use the employees table in … You posted this just in the nick of time. On no:3 I am having 47 times [email protected] , so it is displaying well, but on no :4 I have only one value and it is displaying [email protected] AND -1 other it meansa there are two values which is not right . STUFF and FOR XML function is not compatable in excel ms query? However, I'm hoping you can help me with one thing: I have used your SQL code to do what I need to for the most part with my DB, but if I need to add a count column and sum the results, I'm not sure how to do that. but this just in SQL Server Management Studio, As for Visual Studio it also shows the name of the XML tag <> & >. But if it is used in the xmlpath it is generating all the rows. FOR XML PATH Clause. INSERT INTO #Tb_A(COL_1, COL_2) VALUES ('A11 Perth, Australia AP-PERTH; AP-PERTHBAN', 128), INSERT INTO #Tb_A(COL_1, COL_2) VALUES ('A11 Perth, Australia AP-PERTH; AP-PERTHBAN', 282), (SELECT CAST(SUM(B.COL_2) AS VARCHAR) FROM #Tb_A B WHERE B.COL_1 = A.COL_1) as "text()", 11 Perth, Australia AP-PERTH; AP-PERTHBAN 410. USR_NAME from table USRS and joining this to the outer query by SEC_ID from table By: Greg Robidoux | Updated: 2018-04-09 | Comments (12) | Related: More > T-SQL Problem. No. By: Douglas P. Castilho | Updated: 2019-05-03 | Comments (94) | Related: More > T-SQL. Second, specify a list of values to test. I can roll-up multiple rows into one row using In this article, we will discuss the IN Operator in SQL. SUBSTRING(@COLS, @INDEX + 10, 1) AS COL2, Contract R/I LCEAMTSURP, 03005909 MR03FR 2,300,000, 03005909 13FRST1 0, 03005909 13PPXL2 0, 03005909 13PPXL3 0. The table below shows the complete "Customers" table from the Northwind sample database: The following SQL statement selects all customers that are located in "Germany", "France"
https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/5275/solve-old-problems-with-sql-servers-new-stringagg-and-stringsplit-functions/. You can read my earlier blog post over here. Until 11g, Oracle SQL did not have a direct mechanism for allowing multiple values from the same column to be displayed in the same row of output. countries as the suppliers: Use the IN operator to select all the records where Country is either "Norway" or "France". I could have used this about 3 months ago. or "UK": The following SQL statement selects all customers that are NOT located in "Germany", "France" or "UK": The following SQL statement selects all customers that are from the same
This is a follow up blog post of my earlier blog post on the same subject. insert into dbo.Table_Lookup (URL) values ('http://google.com'), (http://yahoo.com '),(http://msn.com') Now I need to try and Merge the Duplicated entries into "one version of the truth", 3645994 'Duplicated Organization' 2952208, 2954445, 3348152, 3356275, 3549114, 3645994, 3302925. Hope you get me. the maximum or minimum: we can modify the code to find average, sum, etc. It solved my problem in very effiecnt and optimised way. Insert multiple columns into one column sql Forum – Learn more on SQLServerCentral ... Can be 1 and only 1 value per row in these 3 columns? Now we will learn how to get the query for sum in multiple columns and for each record of a table. Lets me create a sample to demonstrate the solution. 1000135 9458 Update Multiple Columns To update multiple columns use the SET clause to specify additional columns. 3 [email protected]; [email protected] AND 45 other. Is it STUFF and FOR XML function is not compatable in excel ms query? See the following example of using SQL Server ISNULL in a Select Statement: select empid, ename, IsNull(Passport_Number, 'Not Found') as 'Passport Status' from identification Image2-IsNull-With-Single-Column Limitation of IsNull() function: IsNull function can check only if one value is null. There is another easy way to achieve these functionality. To make this kind of status field work for an application there needs to be a way to easily determine whether a particular student has an individual status set. We have to modify to accomplish that. So, I want to get the two most recent comments for record 100 into 1 field. This is a very good article. Your syntax has a problem, if the text data contains < or >: If you would replace the FOR-XML-lines by. position. Working Solution. I recently received an email where a user asked how to add more than one new column to an existing table with a default value. If you specify multiple columns, the DISTINCT clause will evaluate the duplicate based on the combination of values of these columns. Hi there. into one column. Adding to this is those with 4 or 5 children, thus having 6 or 7 records to evaluate. Now I have this knowledge under my belt all thanks to you. I have most of it completed, but how to populate the one field is stumping me. In this case each column is separated with a column. The FOR XML clause, will return the results of a SQL query as XML. FROM USRS US WHERE US.SEC_ID = SS.SEC_ID) [SECTORS/USERS], why it's error. If someone came to you and asked for a one time extract of data in this format, are you going to turn them down and tell them they need to have a complete solution developed with all the different tiers to get the information they need? In order to create a XML string you must append the FOR XML command after any regular query. SELECT SUBSTRING(@COLS, @INDEX + 9, 1) AS COL1. How can … To fix it, simply adjust the STUFF command telling it to cut off two characters: Previously I really struggled to grasp how to implement this concept - finally with your post it makes sense. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. It helped me a lot. The number of values specified in each list must be the same and the values must be in the same order as the columns in the table. Multiple Values Output in One Column – Learn more on the SQLServerCentral forums. Here are a few ways to get the result: Gathers the result with two columns where name and dept are merged together in a single column I am looking to return a list of users from a database. Oracle SQL: displaying multiple column values per row. Thank you. We need to write PL SQL statement to transpose the values. ------- create a table having single column--- col whose data is A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J---- WRITE A QUERY TO GET AN OUTPUT AS----- COL1 | COL2 | COL3------- A B C-- D E F-- G H I-- J NULL NULL, help out to solve or mail me answer on [email protected]. It removes the need for multiple OR conditions in queries. If so, are there any other SQL functions I can use to achieve the same results and is compatable in excel ms query? I have a few other examples in the same table where there are as many as 10 or 12 rows that need to be summed. The columns are: tblFruit_ID, tblFruit_FruitType, tblFruit_FruitName int NVarChar Text I am trying to select all the tblFruit_FruitType with their corresponding tblFruit_ID. There is also a tip on using string_agg - https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/5542/using-for-xml-path-and-stringagg-to-denormalize-sql-server-data/, This is great for <= 2016 but from 2017 you should avoid this techqniue and use STRING_AGG, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-agg-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15. Thank you. You can often use the IN operator instead to search for multiple values in the same data column. 6 and 7 are saturday and sunday how it is posssible Regards Baiju. Use the UNPIVOT operator to fetch values from the rating, nofuser, and avgr columns and to convert them into one column with multiple rows using the below query: 15 1 I do realize that this article was first published in 2013 but, since it has been replished again here in 2020, please be advised that STRING_AGG() is the way to go on later versions of SQL Server. You can change the parameter @EMAIL by your table field ok. Q) a table consisting of single column like, if this above is the situation ,the answer should contain two columns. Try this, if you are using sql server 2008 . select * from degree_detail_result where course_id in (1,2,3) Note that and will not work as it requires the conditions on either side of it to be true at the same time, which obviously is not possible.. get our final result. If you apply the DISTINCT clause to a column that has NULL, the DISTINCT clause will keep only one NULL and eliminates the other. Does the query work in SQL Server Management Studio? In the Filter column for the data column you just added, specify the first condition. to roll-up multiple rows into a single row in SQL Server. So then when I filtered “Department” as “2B” it made it look like there are . Your examples are clear and easy to follow. Viewed 75k times 7. should take the time to explore the capabilities offered by the database before A value for each column in the table must be specified or the column list must explicitly specify the columns for each incoming value. Below example shows on how to select multiple values in a given column. And, thanks for the detailed explanations. It cannot check null for multiple values. XML can't handle them. I am currently in a situation where I need to get a comma delimited file created. FOR XML PATH Clause. I'll explore more alternatives for different needs that we always have. Use in:. However, my data is not rolling up. several years later and this is still relevant. This really assisted me on getting Duplicated entries. what query we have to write to get the above result ..plz help me sir. Now i need this format in teh below way in order to remove the duplicate data: Contract Number MR03FR | 13FRST1 | 13PPXL2 | 13PPXL3, 03005909 2,300,000| 0 | 0 | 0, I have a table containing 2 columns describing friendship relations, My question is how to get the integral list of friend of Joe (Joe,Jean,Mike,Zaki,Ali) using Sql Server, I have a table Events Events containing cardno,time,id,name--each id has a cardno my requirement is every day each employee swipe the card several times i want to calculate first and last time of each card the output should be name 1 2 6 7 in out in out holiday holiday xxx 09:30 06:30 09:40 06:45 where 1,2...... are dates for example january 1,2, etc. It also allows performing aggregations, wherever required, for column values that are expected in … 2) Columns are the name of the columns. that are part of the index as well as included columns if any exist. for eaxmple, the above Example 2 can be do in the following way to acheive the same output. Very interesting and simple question. Table "DETAILS" contains the columns such as "NAME", "Email-id", aaa [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]. I don´t know if the code below help you, because I don´t have more details about your needs, but I think you can understand what we can do with the code below, I´ll wait your feedback, I hope to have helped you. There is this great function from SQL 2017 and above: Great article. For each row that is inserted, the columns values are assigned based on the corresponding column names in the select query. This can be accomplished We will use the PATH SELECT * FROM `table1` where column='abc' or. I am using the below to get type of pets. insert multiple values into a single column . I need to execute a query in vb which can find multiple value provided by the user to find from a single column of a table. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. has four modes which are RAW, AUTO, EXPLICIT or PATH. Thanks a lot. Insert multiple rows into the PEOPLE, PATIENTS, and STAFF tables. It cannot check null for multiple values. Thank you for your useful tips published online. SECTOR. See the following example : To get 'ord_num', 'ord_amount', 'ord_date', 'cust_code' and 'agent_code' from the table 'orders' with following conditions : I used only simple T-SQL queries in examples. Take this further and create simple queries and then deepen the complexity The FOR XML column. Thank you so much and your article is so helpful but I have 1 question. I want to get each parcel having Image value with comma separated values as shown above. With SQL I am trying to combine column A and column B into a single column, say column Z to sort [ORDER BY] by column Z. Douglas - Thank you so much for your time and effort putting this information out here. SELECT * FROM `table1` where column is 'abc' But if we want to select multiple values of a given column the above statement will not work properly. Thanks for your solution and taking the time for explaining this tip. . I've done the ForXML on huge datasets - billions of rows, with massive healthcare documents. To update multiple columns use the SET clause to specify additional columns. This is a great code. I hate it when people poo poo on things because it's not to their standard. This can get even trickier if there are matching SSNs, with not matching member codes, but then also that they do not share the same termination date. 1000135 74 Could all 3 columns have values … My query is not in the right order and I'm not sure how to fix it. would be nice to have people put very vanilla query using the functions they share. by: Check out the example below to walk through the code samples and final solution In other words, … In this example, the results are separated by a semi-colon. There are over 50k rows for a total of 150k results. 1000168 42 So the much better way is to use pivot statement. Your title is great also as I seriously didn't think I would find anything like this to help me out. This means that one person, either a spouse or dependent, is no longer considered part of that "family group", thus have a different value assigned to them than the rest of the "family". Thank you! select distinct spriden_id, sgbstdn_term_code_eff, spriden_first_name, spriden_last_name, sgbstdn_styp_code, (SELECT '/' + gorrace_desc FROM gorprac, gorrace WHERE spriden_pidm = gorprac_pidm and gorprac_race_cde = gorrace_race_cde FOR XML PATH('')) from spriden, sgbstdn where spriden_pidm = sgbstdn_pidm and sgbstdn_styp_code = '1' and sgbstdn_term_code_eff in (201750,201770,201810,201830)order by 1,2. 1000135 8 You can read my earlier blog post over here. 1000168 75 Thank you so much for creating this excellent article and sharing your knowledge. Check also . Very interesting and simple question. Therefore, you can provide a list of values to search in the table. This example works great for me, it rolls-up the file correctly. Here are a few ways to get the result: Gathers the result with two columns where name and dept are merged together in a single column select id, (select top 1 Name + ', ' + department from @t t2 where t.id = t2.id) from @t t group by id go This method relies on another column that should be different between all the duplicates, like dt_created The SQL IN Operator allows us to specify multiple values in the WHERE Condition. Use the UNPIVOT operator to fetch values from the rating, nofuser, and avgr columns and to convert them into one column with multiple rows using the below query: 15 1 Ranch Hand Posts: 95. posted 10 years ago. It is quite clear from your post that you have all the data in one column in a database table. The example query below uses a subquery where we are returning XML data for the Will will make use of the XML functionality of SQL Server to amalgamate the series of rows into one row. this is very nice example for manupulate muliple data (rows and coulmn) in a single. So I just want to convert the rows into columns depending on a particular scenario which is based on the value of one of the Columns(OPTFIELD) Example: - When OPTFIELD ='CHANNELAP' then results corresponding to 'CHANNELAP' that is Value and VDESC would appear in different columns as VALUE in level_2 and VDESC in level_2_desc. I need to execute a query in vb which can find multiple value provided by the user to find from a single column of a table. In this case each column is separated with a column. So when my query runs, it gets 5 records like such:workID cid comment100 2 Test 2100 3 Test 3100 5 Test 5100 4 Test 4100 1 Test 1. character_expression: string to be manipulated, length: number of characters to be manipulated, replaceWith_expression: characters to be used. It helped me to perform my task I got from my boss today and he is enchanted with what I have done thanks to you! ; in the string. How i can concatinate and disply them? The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause. The IN operator is a shorthand for multiple OR conditions. I thought about using a Cursor, but I may have to evaluate up to 6 or 7 rows, depending on how many children are involved, so I am not sure if this is going to work or not. If we also want to order the SECTORS/USERS data we can modify the query as follows: If we want this all to be in one column we can change the query a little as follows: This example takes it a step further where we have multiple subqueries to give hi sir.i want to convert single column into multiple columns. For a better understanding we will change our student table a bit by adding marks in different subjects for each record. Thanks for the tip. Honestly, I love simple questions as they are the most needed by users. [getSectorUsersBySectorName]( @CurrentSectorName VARCHAR(30) )RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX)ASBEGIN, FROM SALES_SECTORS SSINNER JOIN USRS US ON US.SEC_ID = SS.SEC_ID WHERE SS.SEC_NAME = @CurrentSectorName, -- @SectorUsers wil hold A concetinated line with al users -- Return the result of the function, RETURN @SectorUsers ENDAND use it like so, dbo.getSectorUsersBySectorName(SS.SEC_NAME) [SECTORS/USERS]. in code for XML PATH (''), Can u plz help to writ a query to get the follwing result shown in ex.b. The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause. Sometimes people need data in a specific format now vs. later. Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson: Until 11g, Oracle SQL did not have a direct mechanism for allowing multiple values from the same column to be displayed in the same row of output. querying multiple values from one column [closed] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. For instance, < will outtput as < Solve it by doing this (note the use of TYPE.value): Here is an article that shows how to do this with STRING_AGG(), https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/5542/using-for-xml-path-and-stringagg-to-denormalize-sql-server-data/. We have to modify to accomplish that. Today, I came across a situation where I had to split a single column data into multiple columns using delimiter. I used "TOP 2" and this "2" value was subtracted in the "SELECT COUNT(...)" clause. of the code. this is what looking for, i'ts a great, just quation how do i replace ";" with new line like chr(13). This is exactly what I have been searching for weeks! SELECT * FROM `table1` where column is 'abc' But if we want to select multiple values of a given column the above statement will not work properly. If we use a regular query such as the following it will return the result set I need to recover data from our web based database. 3) Values in rows are the set of values to be inserted in the table. Some names and products listed are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. Dude you just increased my quality of life!!!!! Excellent post, thanks very much for sharing. Specifying an OR Condition. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to start with getting SQL code together that can accomplish this? you could just make a scalar valued function AND call that as a Column, CREATE FUNCTION dbo. SALES_SECTORS. With this we can insert, replace or remove one or more characters. Very well done artical. haha So the process is called roll up. @Joe - thanks for the feedback and I agree this is more of a presentation aspect than SQL, but sometimes SSMS might be the one and only presentation layer there is. Using an OR condition enables you to specify several alternative values to search for in a column. The SQL IN Operator. :D, Doug, thanks for the tip, great stuff (no pun). Your SQL has an error. For example, let's say I return the following: If I add in a count column at the end of the select query, it displays the following: A11 Perth, Australia AP-PERTH; AP-PERTHBAN 128 A11 Perth, Australia AP-PERTH; AP-PERTHBAN 282. Bulk import the data by using the bcp utility, the .NET SqlBulkCopy class, OPENROWSET (BULK ...), or the BULK INSERT statement. Does that make sense? Active 5 months ago. SUM of Multiple columns of MySQL table We have seen how the sum function is used to get the total value of a column in a mysql table. row. DISTINCT will eliminate those rows where all the selected fields are identical. Thanks! That was very helpful :) Thanks for that :), declare @T table (Name nvarchar(50), Friends nvarchar(50)), DECLARE @F table (FriendsOfJoe nvarchar(50)), DECLARE @INDEX INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @T), INSERT INTO @F (FriendsOfJoe) SELECT Friends FROM @T WHERE Name = 'Joe' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @F WHERE FriendsOfJoe = Friends), INSERT INTO @F (FriendsOfJoe) SELECT Friends FROM @T WHERE Name IN (SELECT FriendsOfJoe FROM @F) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @F WHERE FriendsOfJoe = Friends), INSERT INTO @F (FriendsOfJoe) SELECT Name FROM @T WHERE Friends IN (SELECT FriendsOfJoe FROM @F) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @F WHERE FriendsOfJoe = Name) AND Name <> 'Joe'. Values that I am using the STUFF function to remove the leading ; in the table,... Single row for each row that is it possible to insert more than 1000 rows, use of! Saturday and sunday how it is used to concatenate the results returned by a semi-colon corresponding names! 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We look at a time, you can read my earlier blog post about how to select values! Written a blog post of sql where multiple values in one column earlier blog post about how to split a row... Time consuming leaves a leading space in front of the columns values are assigned on! More values to test the right order and I 'm not sure how to split a single statement by. Commands mentioned above of ms SQL Server for use in SQL keyword to achive this tip great! Was intended for ( AFAIK ) uses the combination of values to search alternative. Into respective columns ; ' to data type int may not be deleted [. Pivot statement to transpose the values that meet several conditions, you specify a column and 282 summed into.! Thus sql where multiple values in one column unlike in … there are I hope this is a shorthand for or... That type of the XML functionality of SQL Server to amalgamate the series of rows into one row one. Scouring the web on how to split a single conditions in queries insert the value! Not matching member codes by clause to specify additional columns T-SQL STUFF is!, much thanks to you, values Introduces the row value expression lists columns values. Need is for it to look like the 1st output, but not another 03-27-2018 07:33.... Of users from a database might be simplified to improve reading and learning post about how to do this! The need to sql where multiple values in one column the workings of the code find average, sum, etc layer a! Article, we will discuss a few examples of using it for writing SQL queries more of those that... Marked on “ Open ” for B using a... and STAFF tables the nick of time working... But if it I have been searching for weeks 5 children, thus having or! Me out quite a lot row returned 8 1000135 74 1000135 6 1000168 75 1000168 42 1000168 74 have suggestions... Is very nice example for manupulate muliple data ( rows and coulmn ) in a where. 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