If we want to use Photoshop for a single month, it will cost us $29.99. For example, you can install any version of Photoshop dating back to the CS6 version released in 2012. Launch the Adobe Creative Cloud application.
If you want to retain these previous versions during the installation of CC 2015, then you need to deselect the Remove Old Versions option in the Advanced Options section of the updater interface.
In the popup window, click the Install button to reinstall the older … If you’d like to use an older version of an Adobe app, scroll to it in Creative Cloud, click the down arrow next to Install/Open, click Manage, and then click Other Versions. This will display a list of all available versions for that Creative Cloud app. There are plenty of adherents of older Windows versions and consequently, older versions of their favorite programs. ; Once the old version is installed, you can find it nested under the newest version of the app in the Creative Cloud desktop app. They have a lot of versions but the most recent is from 2013. Install from Creative Cloud. Click the More actions (…) button next to the listing for the app you want to rollback. 0 Serrano Using the Adobe Creative Cloud application, you can reinstall older versions. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. This article will be particularly interesting to the category of users that want to install Adobe Reader on the computers running older versions of Windows, such as XP and earlier.
Choose your desired version and click Install.
We can get discounted options for a monthly commitment of one year, or if we prepay for the whole year.
(Version 11.0.01) I think Adobe is trying to control the ability to use prior versions by making it harder to get the full installs. From there, you can pick any of the old versions of the application to install onto your computer.
Note – this will not uninstall any of the new CC 2015 versions of the applications that you have downloaded.
The latest Creative Cloud (CC) versions are only available as Adobe subscriptions. And now, it's connected to the Adobe Document Cloud − making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices.
Navigate to the app with the older version that you want to download, and click the “Install” Button.
See this page for details and a screenshot of the relevant interface item.
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