Log in | Register Cart. The journal impact factor extenuates the significance of absolute citation frequencies. Articles submitted to the Journal which are accepted for publication will benefit from this open access model, taking readership to a global audience. About this journal. Ranking 21 out of 185 Public, Environmental and Occupational Health category.
In January 2015, the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine moved to an online, open access format. The median Impact factor is the median value of all journals impact factors in the subject category. Ranking 23 out of 160 Medicine, General and Internal category. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (AJLM) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly resource for practitioners seeking to incorporate lifestyle practices into clinical medicine. Editor-in-Chief: Joseph Alpert, MD, MACP. AJPM's 5-Year impact factor is 5.307. Supports open access. 4.76 Impact Factor. 99(5):436-440, May 2020. View editorial board. An aggregate journal impact factor of 1.0 implies that the articles in the subject category published in recent two years have been cited once on an average. View aims and scope Submit your article Guide for authors. Rita F. Redberg, MD, MSc 1,2. ... October 2019. Journal Ranking/Impact Factor.
2.02 CiteScore. Policy Statement The American Journal of Medicine.
AJLM provides commentaries and research reviews on nutrition and diet, physical activity, behavior change, cardiovascular disease, obesity, anxiety and depression, sleep problems, metabolic disease, and more. ... Volume 10, 2020 Vol 9, 2019 Vol 8, 2018 Vol 7, 2017 Vol 6, 2016 Vol 5, 2015 Vol 4, 2014 Vol 3, 2013 Vol 2, 2012-2013 Vol 1, 2011-2012. Impact Factor: 4.435 ® Clarivate Analytics, 2019.
Subscribe to the JAMA Internal Medicine journal ... JAMA Internal Medicine—The Year in Review, 2019. The Challenge of Controlling the COPD Epidemic. Journal of Clinical Medicine (ISSN 2077-0383; CODEN: JCMOHK) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly online by MDPI.. Open Access - free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is the medical professional society for physicians and other professionals dedicated to clinical and worksite practice of Lifestyle Medicine as the foundation of a transformed and sustainable health care system. The American Journal of Managed Care - 2019 BROWSE BY YEAR 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 … View aims and scope. ; High Visibility: Indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in Web of Science and other databases. Decision-Making in Evidence-Based Practice in Rehabilitation Medicine: Proposing a Fourth Factor Gutenbrunner, Christoph; Nugraha, Boya American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. List of Medicine Conferences; June 08-09, 2020 16th International Conference on Digestive Disorders and Gastroenterology, Bangkok, Thailand: June 24-25, 2020 15th Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference, Rome, Italy: July 02-03, 2020 The International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal that provides for the publication of high quality research articles and review papers that are as broad as the many disciplines that influence and underpin the principles and practice of osteopathic medicine. In addition, Journal articles from 1997 through 2014 are now available for free. All journal articles featured in Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives vol 10 issue 2.
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