Hi, A friend of mine told me "DisplayAlerts = True" did Not work in Excel 2016, i.e. ... Application.DisplayAlerts = False book.SaveAs Filename:="\\fol0ns01\xfer\MRO_Databases\JobTracker\NotifTasks.txt" Application.DisplayAlerts = True book.Close False Set book = Nothing End Sub .
I've made a simple VBA with Excel 2016 and affirmed it's true.
Re: Application.ScreenUpdating = False not working properly. Remember to set the ScreenUpdating property back to True when your macro ends. expression A variable that represents an Application object. Turn off Application.ScreenUpdating. Last edited: Apr 28, 2015. because Excel has reset it to True while the code is suspended.
Please Login or Register to view this content. ScreenUpdating.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True As the Second Workbook is Opened I get The Standard Message Warning/Alert ... > Application.DisplayAlerts=False does not work, in other words excessive > worksheets are not being deleted.
You would not need to disable Alert Diplay immediately before .Delete if "Application.DisplayAlerts = False" was included in your initial sub settings, but it isn't. Magic! Like Screenupdating, DisplayAlerts does not turn off while stepping through code.
You won't be able to see what the macro is doing, but it will run faster. Application.ScreenUpdating is a setting within Excel that – when turned on – will visibly update the Excel worksheet on your screen any time there is a change that happens within the worksheet.
Now, with the code stopped at the Stop statement, type “?Application.DisplayAlerts” in the Immediate window, and press the [Enter] key. Magic!
You will get:?Application.DisplayAlerts. Turn screen updating off to speed up your macro code. Remove the experimental code. Application.DisplayAlerts: False. I'd like to know why "DisplayAlerts = True" does not work with Excel 2016. confirmation dialog does not appear on deleting a worksheet. > … With Excel 2013 it works fine as I expect, but Excel 2016 does Not. Remarks. Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True As the Second Workbook is Opened I get The Standard Message Warning/Alert ... > Application.DisplayAlerts=False does not work, in other words excessive > worksheets are not being deleted.
> … Example True. Please find the below example for DisplayAlerts Property of application object in excel VBA.
Don Please ... or Application.DisplayAlerts = True There is nothing to warn me of. However, it's done in the background so the user doesn't see it by using Application.ScreenUpdating = False. Alan ... Application.DisplayAlerts = False not setting … Sub Appl_Display_Alert_Ex2() 'DisplayAlerts is the property of application object Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub VBA DisplayAlerts Application Property: Example 2.
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