ⓒAre you available to speak on the phone now? Do not promise you will be available if you know you will be unavailable. For example, if you must take your children to work in the morning, or if you cannot work evenings because you take a night class, say so. Translate Are you available. See 6 authoritative translations of Are you available in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
A: Is your room close to a/the road? The question is am I available to be used by God today? or Can I speak with you on the phone now? You can reach the Service Desk by calling 314-246-5995 or toll-free at 1-866-435-7270 or via email at support@webster.edu. Matthew 28:19.
Setting everything else aside, I think that "from 3 till 5" should be "from 3 to 5" or "between 3 and 5" (my preference).And "every day" does not say anything at all about the hours when you are available, it only says the days on which you are available.
; The time capsule was available for one month online, translated into 10 languages, and this is what it looked like. You can get internet access all around the world, but there would be remote places in different countries where internet access would not be available or very difficult to get.
Because I'm a bit senstive at to noise.
I'm worry about car-noise. If you are ever unsure of the legitimacy of an email or wish to report an email scam, please contact the IT Service Desk for further assistance.
Some examples from the web: Limited time available for staff to participate in CVT (ii) More time available for training; A calendar defines at what time a resource is available.
If you are warned that a new Portage version is available and that you should update Portage, you should do it now using emerge--oneshot portage.
If you have a history of working part time and are looking for part-time work, some states will still consider you available to work as long as your schedule isn't too restrictive. In other states, the agency will expect you to be ready to take a full-time job, if one is offered.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The question is not, can God use me today.
With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for are you available and thousands of other words. You see, I cannot stand the noise of traffic. Keep in mind that while you should offer a two-week notice, your current employer may offer you the option to leave earlier. Are You Available For God’s Plan Today?
It’s unlikely, but there are cases when an employee is told to leave right away once they give notice.If that happens after you’ve been hired, you could mention that you’re available to start earlier than you expected. When you answer interview questions about your work availability, be honest about any commitments that are not flexible. Moreover do you want to be used of God today?
You can complete the translation of are you available given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse. Can we talk on the phone now? ; No time available for staff to participate in CVT ; I need to know what times we're available. B: Yes please.
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