simioju - August 15, 2012. Everything about the production is dated, but not from the period it portrayed (50’/60’s) – from the 1970’s. Facebook. The original 1976 'Sparkle' cast: Where are they now?
Such is the original “Sparkle.” I didn’t see this movie “back in the day” and watched it for the first time as a middle aged adult. By. Pinterest . The album was released through Sony Music Entertainment's RCA Records on July 31, 2012. RADWIMPS – Sparkle (Movie Version) (Romanized) Lyrics: Mada kono sekai wa boku wo kainarashitetai mitai da / Nozomi doori ii darou utsukushiku mogaku yo / … Sparkle is a 2012 American musical film directed by Salim Akil and produced by Stage 6 Films, It was released on August 17, 2012, by TriStar Pictures.Inspired by The Supremes, Sparkle is a remake of the 1976 film of the same title, which centered on three singing teenage sisters from Harlem who form a girl group in the late 1950s. Sparkle (soundtrack) Jump to navigation Jump to search ... Music from the Warner Bros. Picture "Sparkle" (1976) Sweet Passion (1977) Curtis Mayfield chronology; Let's Do It Again (1975) Sparkle (1976) Give, Get, Take and Have (1976) Music from the Warner Bros. Picture "Sparkle" is a soundtrack album by American singer Aretha Franklin, written and produced by Curtis Mayfield. Released on May … WhatsApp. The African-American period musical Sparkle debuted in … Sparkle: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack album for the 2012 Sony/TriStar Pictures film Sparkle, a remake of the 1976 film of the same name. Twitter. Sparkle is a 1976 American musical drama film directed by Sam O'Steen and released by Warner Bros. Pictures.With a plot inspired by the history of The Supremes, Sparkle is a period film set in Harlem, New York during the late 1950s and early 1960s.It presents the story of a musical girl group that ends up breaking apart due to individual issues each member faces.
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