You can easily turn on and off textarea resize properties in a CSS3 style sheet and HTML5. Auto Resize Vertically. inherit : the element inherits the resize value of its parent.
This property will also hide the resizing handle at the bottom-right corner of the textarea.
Mar 05, 2014 12:28 PM | Nasser Malik | LINK. 2764 Posts.
You can use the CSS3 resize property to remove or turn-off the default horizontal and vertical resizable property of the HTML
Some developers also use cols and rows css property to provide textarea size. You may use the resize: none property to disable resizing of a textarea in a web browser. Resize Textarea using CSS. resize: vertical; or.
I've noticed that on Firefox and Chrome that the textareas are resizable vertically as well as horizontally; the resize rule not having been set. 13450 Points. Topic: HTML / CSS Prev|Next Answer: Use the CSS3 resize property.
Post by keith10456 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:15 pm I'm not a dev but if the fix for the problem was unknown and/or if it was a headache to correct the issue then I could see the reasoning for passing over this (until 3.1). Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. When an element is resizeable, it has a little UI handle on a lower corner. vertical: the user can resize the element vertically (increasing the height). I occasionally break the layout a bit when I resize the textarea using the browser's built-in handle instead of the drag bar. Reply; Nasser Malik Star. Hope It Helped. By default resize properties are on and you can resize your
By using the CSS, you may disable this overall or by specifying a particular direction as shown in the examples below. Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea. In the bottom right corner you can see the grabber handle. Generally, the textarea can be stretched to expand that may affect different sections of a webpage. resize: none; should fix the issue. Re:
:) Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.
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