Windows Server 2019 is the operating system that bridges on-premises environments with Azure, adding additional layers of security while helping you modernize your applications and infrastructure.
Novinky. It was preceded by Windows Server 2016.It is the only version of Server that can run Office 2019. Windows Server 2019 obsahuje tyto novinky: Podpora pro Kubernetes (Beta) November 2018 ein Auslieferungsstopp verhängt. Die Unterstützung von Windows Server 2019 und damit die Belieferung mit Sicherheitsupdates endet vsl. As Windows Server 2019 is based on the Windows version 1809 codebase, it too was removed from distribution at the time, but was re-released on November 13, 2018. Auf Grund von Problemen, die beim Upgrade 1809 für Windows 10 festgestellt wurden, wurde bis 13. Oktober 2018. Es basiert auf Windows 10 (Version 1809) und erschien am 2.
Windows Server 2019 was announced on March 20, 2018, and the first Windows Insider preview version was released on the same day. Windows Server 2019 werd aangekondigd op 20 maart 2018, en is beschikbaar geworden op 2 oktober 2018. Windows Server 2019 is het huidige besturingssysteem voor servers van Microsoft in de Windows Server-familie dat tegelijk met Windows 10 is ontwikkeld en hiervan de gebruikersinterface deelt. Features. Protože je Windows Server 2019 založen na Windows 10 verze 1809, byly ze stejného důvodu staženy oba systémy. Hybrid capabilities with Azure Windows Server 2019 là một hệ điều hành dành cho máy chủ đang được Microsoft phát triển như là một phần của họ các hệ điều hành Windows NT.. Nó được công bố vào ngày 20 tháng 3 năm 2018 và phiên bản xem trước Windows Insider đầu tiên được đưa ra trong cùng ngày. The software product life cycle for Server 2019 was reset in accordance with the new release date. Installing the preview rollup package released for Windows Server 2008 on March 19, 2019, or any later released rollup package, will update the operating system kernel’s build number from version 6.0.6002 to 6.0.6003. Mogelijkheden. Windows Server 2019 is the latest version of the server operating system by Microsoft, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. Het is de opvolger van Windows Server 2016. It was released for general availability on October 2, 2018.
Windows Server 2019 ist ein Serverbetriebssystem von Microsoft. Znovu byl uvolněn 13. listopadu 2018. Životní cyklus byl upraven ve vztahu k novému datu vydání. This change was made so Microsoft could continue to service the operating system while avoiding “version-related issues”. Windows Server 2019 is a Windows Server version based on Windows 100 that was released in October 2018.
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