Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? * display all cronjobs in the WordPress-Installation (also those independent of Get URL Cron) * manually execute Get URL Cron-cronjobs * Log all requests: 1st Logentry is that the htpp-URL- / Shortcode-request is a try, 2nd Logentry is success or failirure of the request * send mails for each http-URL- / Shortcode-request: start trying and result of request. I myself had made use of JavaScript to do so, that window.location.href stuff, you know. Check out the new WordPress Code Reference! Support » Plugin: WP Gallery Custom Links » How to get URL of image. How to get URL of image. They also have a WordPress login shortcut which sends you to the WordPress login URL but does not automatically log you in. Usage. The WordPress global variable $pagename should be available for you. I want to get the link to this blog page from any other pages. Search for: Submit. Documentation; Forums; Get Involved. But not every time you want to use JavScript for that, as you might need to get the URL straight and process it further to make a hyperlink, or anything else where you think JavaScript is not going to be useful. This will preserve query parameters if already in the URL. Forums; Documentation; Get Involved; Search for: Search forums. Support . How can I get blog page url? Visit your WP Engine dashboard and then select your website. The blog page on my WordPress website is set to be a different page other than the home page. – Kausha Mehta Sep 22 '14 at 7:07 output get only in php – Manish Jesani Sep 22 '14 at 7:10 share | improve this question | follow | | | | asked Oct 18 '16 at 5:10. wordpress. 1.5: Released 12/13/2013. Showcase; Themes; Plugins; Mobile; Support. WordPress didn’t pick up this latest trunk version on commit. Will remove this comment in the future. Will remove this comment in the future. You can use window.location.hash or parse_url([your url]) to get the #myqueryhash from url. get blog page url in WordPress. global $wp; $current_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array($_GET), $wp->request)); This will show the full path, including query parameters. To make the round trip "The WordPress Way" on the "front-end" (doesn't work in the context of wp-admin), you need to use 3 WordPress functions: . On the site overview page, you’ll see the WordPress login page shortcut in the left column.
2. You can use the below code to get the full URL along with query parameters. Active 10 months ago. Toggle Menu. If you are a WordPress developer, there are times when you need to grab the URL of the current page. I have just tried with the same setup you specified. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago.
Five for the Future; About; Blog; Hosting; Get WordPress; Skip to content. Viewed 21k times 21.
$pagename is defined in the file wp-includes/theme.php, inside the function get_page_template(), which is of course is called before your page theme files are parsed, so it is available at any point inside your templates for pages.
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