Guests can dine in 2 hotel … The five railways form a high-speed railway, Taiwan Railway, MRT, Airport MRT and Highway Terminus. Taipei Tourism Taipei Hotels Taipei Bed and Breakfast Taipei Vacation Rentals Taipei Packages Flights to Taipei Taipei Restaurants Taipei Attractions
We have used the YMCA's in Hong Kong and Christchurch NZ and we our members of the YMCA here in Kauai Hawaii. Your trip to Taipei is fast, convenient and free to do whatever you want. 'The YMCA Taipei Hotel is very centrally and convenientl...' Skyscanner helps you find places to stay, eat or play that are perfect for you Skyscanner_Logo_LockupHorizontal_SkyBlue_RGB York Hotel, which is composed of four elements of fashion, travel, life and fun, is located in the most convenient Taipei station business district in Taipei.
See 278 traveller reviews, 537 candid photos, and great deals for Y Hotel Taipei, ranked #5 of 62 Speciality lodging in Zhongzheng District and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.
Answer 1 of 7: Cedarness found your post on the YMCA through the kindness of nuttyazn who sent me the link. From AU$82 per night on Tripadvisor: Y Hotel Taipei, Zhongzheng District. It provides in-room WiFi and free on-site parking. I just wondered how well you... Taipei. Located in the central business district, Cesar Park Hotel Taipei is located directly opposite Taipei Main Station which link to Taipei Metro, Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taoyuan Airport MRT and Bus Terminal. Is Taipei YMCA Y Hotel the BEST hostel in Taipei? Y Hotel Taipei: YMCA Taipei - See 278 traveller reviews, 132 candid photos, and great deals for Zhongzheng District, Taipei, at Tripadvisor. Honest Reviews Taipei YMCA Y Hotel in 2020 with video, photo and Prices (save up to 17%) "Near 台北車站 transport hub, plenty of foods and shopping around - ideal..." Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns. See 42 photos and 4 tips from 247 visitors to YMCA 台北青年旅舍 YMCA Y-Hotel Taipei.
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