Previously we used a jQuery script to do that on DOM ready, but that had a very nasty side effect on iPad which always made the keyboard to pop up. The focus event does not bubble in Internet Explorer. So I played a little trick with JQuery to set the focus correctly In normal case just putting the $("#yourtextbox").focus() should work, but still its not working properly, change ur code to focus on some other control before the alert, and after alert, keep the focus back to the text box, Therefore, scripts that rely on event delegation with the focus event will not work consistently across browsers. I am currently using "$("#ATMCardNumber").focus();" which seems to be working on Android devices however for the iOS devices the keyboard does not automatically open after the change of focus. As of version 1.4.2, however, jQuery works around this limitation by mapping focus to the focusin event in … This is distinct from the focus event in that it supports detecting the focus event on parent elements (in other words, it supports event bubbling). I am using input focus in jquery mobile, but keyboard doesn't appear. I want to show the keyboard one this page with input type="text". Hope you don't mind. I know there have been more issues regarding the iOS keyboard together with fixed headers, but I'm not sure what's relevant so I just opened a new issue. IOS 7 behavior: The input is covered by the keyboard once tap the input field when blur the input field, the keyboard disappear and screen size do not auto fill the full screen. ... the input does not get focus, and typing on the keyboard does absolutely nothing. On our site we (and our customers) want the search bar to gain focus automatically. After the latest iOS 8 release, running the .focus() method seemed to have no effect on page load but once a user touched anywhere on the screen the virtual keyboard would instantly appear and scroll the page to the element in focus. I has a page with few text box inside the section and div. jQuery Mobile and jQuery core version used. javascript - not - jquery ios focus keyboard . IOS 7 behavior: The input is covered by the keyboard once tap the input field when blur the input field, the keyboard disappear and screen size do not auto fill the full screen.
Prior to iOS8, using the Javascript .focus() method on an input element would appear to have no effect (the virtual keyboard would not display). Other relevant information. Add custom keyboard layouts easily. iOS won't, as far as I can tell from testing, show the keyboard without some kind of user interaction. Attach a keyboard to inputs, textareas or contenteditable elements. This method is a shortcut for .on( "focusin", handler ) in the first two variations, and .trigger( "focusin" ) in the third.. Mobile Safari Autofokus Textfeld (4) Du hast dich selbst geantwortet.
3. I'm using jquery,jquery mobile and phonegap. Well the problem initially came about because of an iOS bug with position: fixed where the input box would lose its positioning. Stack Overflow Public questions and answers; ... You can't, at least not in iOS (iPhone), and I believe Android as well. $ ("# searchField"). actually blur is very powerful event in jquery, you might or may setting focus on several filed in your checkDate method. jQuery version 2.1.1. test in IOS 6, no bugs, it fine, the screen reduce its size automatically once the keyboard shows up. For this particular field there are 4 text boxes. ... input focus in jquery mobile, but keyboard doesn't appear. test in IOS 7, its BUGGY. The focusin event is sent to an element when it, or any element inside of it, gains focus.
It's a usability issue that the keyboard should not be allowed to be triggered except by user input (it's just annoying if it's automatic). jQuery version 2.1.1. test in IOS 6, no bugs, it fine, the screen reduce its size automatically once the keyboard shows up. Trying a setTimeout to load it doesnt work. test in IOS 7, its BUGGY. it loose focus while working with several field. Ease of setup. JS Bin test page: jQuery Mobile latest and jQuery 1.9.0. Now footer coming to center of screen if keyboard is there. 3. When page load, i need it focus on the first text box. ... JQuery-mobile, Phonegap, iOS, fixed header jumps after leaving input form.
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